The Imperfectly Charming Blog
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Floating on Air
The name of the class immediately got my attention, Floating Sound Bath. As I read the description, I thought to myself, “I should sign up for that class.” Then went on with my day and it fell off my radar until just a few hours before the event. I decided then and there to just go for it and clicked the book and pay now button.
No Judgement Zone
Sometimes life is hard. As adults we have a lot to juggle from jobs, to children, to laundry, bills, cooking, cleaning, parenting, care-giving; the list goes on. We are doing the best we can. When we find ourselves feeling defeated or less-than, I guarantee that inner critic is doing the victory dance in the end zone.
Back to the Drawing Board
Have you ever worked hard on a project, one you were excited and proud of your accomplishments, only to be told you missed the mark? This happened to me recently and I had to step back and take a hard look at my why.
Ask and It is Given
There are 12 Universal Laws to life: vibration, attraction, divine oneness, compensation, polarity, correspondence, inspired action, cause and effect, relativity, gender, perpetual transmutation of energy and the law of rhythm. Understanding and aligning with the laws can help you understand why things are the way they are.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
I’ve known for a long time that drinking lemon water in the morning has many health benefits and even though I’ve done it in the past I’ve ended up quitting without realizing. I’ve run out of lemons and then forget to buy them, therefore delaying the morning cup. I’ve never really established a clear routine.
Pillow Talk
Some days are better than others, but I’m working on most days being better. As many of your know, I’ve been on a path of transformation for several years now. HA….you’ve probably thought to yourself, “When is she ever gonna get there?” My simple answer is never. Life is about the journey and not the destination.
March Magic
People…..I kid you not, this all happened in just a few days. Law of attraction is no joke. We get what we focus on. If it’s doom and gloom that’s what we’ll attract, but if it’s appreciation, kindness, and goodness, it’ll show up again and again.
Born to Shine
Fast forward to now … I want to take the younger me into my arms and tell her how bright her light is. That she is special and can do hard things. That it’s ok to fail and learn valuable lessons from those mistakes. I want her to know she was born to shine and to help others see their own radiance. I want to tell her that I see her and I love her.
How Does it Get Any Better than This
As many of you may know, I’m always trying new things that expand my learning, better my life, create more fun, and in general bring me joy. I was recently listening to a podcast that invited the listeners to try something new to bring goodness into the day. As I continued listening, I knew I wanted to experiment for a few days and would record my findings to use in this week’s blog post. I immediately enlisted my daughter to join me.
Allowing Love In
February happens to be one of my favorite months of the year. Not because it’s winter, or the second month of the new year, but because it’s about honoring relationships, love, and Valentine’s Day. Each year I look forward to celebrating the month of love with the special people in my life. I admit, I’m good at doing for others, however, not very good at allowing others to do for me.
Are You Ready and Willing
February 2, has a completely different meaning in many parts of the country based on the 1993 movie Groundhog Day. The main character keeps repeating the same day over and over until he learns valuable life lessons. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein
Sacred Grounds
Lately, I’d been feeling like my body was starting to let me down. Getting older shouldn’t mean doom and gloom. It should be about using what we have while making the most of it right now. Our amazing bodies support our physical being, mind, and soul.
What's Working
In last week’s blog post, I asked you to avoid looking through the green-eyed glasses of jealousy and envy and instead see things differently by using the following sentence, “I want some of that.” As a follow-up to that suggestion, this week I’m asking, “What’s currently working in your life, right now?” Make a list mentally, or grab a pen and paper and start jotting them down.
I Want Some of That
The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes the meaning of envy as, “the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has.” Can you relate to these words? In this new year, I invite you to do and feel something radically different. It will take the pressure off comparison and will actually make you feel better, and dare I say satisfied. Read on my friends.
New Year New You
As 2022 is just coming into focus and 2021 is already in the rear view mirror, what do you want to call into this brand spanking new year? What do you envision for your life for the upcoming 12 months? You get to decide for the next 365 days how you use your time and what energy you call in.
Are You Willing
Fear not, sometimes the smallest shifts can create significant changes and opportunities. Especially if you are willing to take a chance, reshape your thoughts, and keep yourself open to possibility.
Simple Hawaiian Practice
The holiday season is already upon us. Which can be a time of joy, expectation and happiness for some, but can also be a time of sadness, isolation, and emotionally draining for others. Recently, I was reminded of the ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice known as, Ho’oponopono (pronounced: HO-oh-Po-no-Po-no). It translates to move back in balance.
Under the Umbrian Sun
I was able to spend 10 days in Italy with 10 amazing women. It was a continuation of a writing course we experienced together earlier in the year. When our writing journey began we started off as strangers, but through our initial awkwardness, empathy, laughter, tears, joy, vulnerability, and profound moments together, we created a lifelong bond and sisterhood.