The Imperfectly Charming Blog
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The Magic of Community
Life isn’t meant to be walked alone. We are wired for connection, for deep and meaningful relationships that make us feel seen, heard, and valued. Whether it’s your childhood best friend, a group of like-minded women, a church family, or an online support network finding your people, and your community changes everything.
Double Trouble
If you had told me a few years ago that I’d be spending multiple weekends wrangling two little ones under the age of three, I probably would have laughed and said, “That’s adorable, but no thanks.” Yet, here I am, stepping up to the challenge, embracing the chaos, and somehow still standing.
A Fresh Perspective
Life moves fast. We often find ourselves focusing on what’s missing, what’s broken, or what we wish could be different. But what if, for just a moment, we flipped the script? Instead of getting caught up in the green-eyed glasses of jealousy and comparison, what if we looked at the world and said, “I want some of that,” not with envy but with inspiration?
Ditch the Self-Doubt and Step into Your Power
In every superhero story, there's a moment of revelation, when the hero realizes their power, harnesses their strength, and steps into their full potential. But what if I told you that you are the hero of your own story? You don’t need a cape, a secret hideout, or superhuman strength to possess extraordinary abilities. Your superpower is already within you, waiting to be acknowledged, nurtured, and shared with the world.
Legacy of Love
Right now, my granddaughters, Emery and Autumn, are still so little, tiny hands, bright eyes, and hearts full of wonder. Both under the age of three, they are at the very beginning of their journey in this world, soaking in every moment, every sound, and every touch. As I watch them grow, I can’t help but think about the legacy I want to leave behind for them.
Love That Lasts a Lifetime
Valentine’s Day has always been one of my favorite days of the year. There’s something special about a day dedicated to love, expressing it, celebrating it, and wrapping ourselves in all things red and pink. We send sweet messages to those we cherish, but how often do we pause and send love to ourselves?
Rewriting the Narrative
For as long as I can remember, there’s been a voice lurking in the corners of my mind—one that’s quick to judge, eager to criticize, and relentless in its whispers of “not enough.” Not smart enough. Not thin enough. Not accomplished enough. Not lovable enough. Just… not enough. Sound familiar?
Bucket List Dreams
As the new year unfolds, there’s no better time to reflect on your dreams and start planning your next big adventure. For so many women, the idea of tackling a bucket list can feel overwhelming or even indulgent. But here’s the truth: your dreams matter. Whether it’s traveling to a faraway destination, learning a new skill, or stepping out of your comfort zone, it’s time to embrace the thrill of new adventures.
A Snow Globe Moment
Recently, I had the joy of spending quality time with my daughter, a gift I never take for granted. Life moves so quickly, and finding these moments to pause, connect, and truly enjoy each other's company feels like a blessing.
The Gavel, the Gifts, and the Golden Ticket
Over the holidays, my family always finds creative ways to shake up our Christmas Day gift exchange. This year was no exception as we introduced a live auction to the mix, turning our gathering into a spirited, laughter-filled event no one will soon forget.
One Word, Infinite Possibilities
As the calendar turns its final page and a new year stretches out before us, there’s a certain magic in the air; a feeling of fresh beginnings, unwritten stories, and endless possibilities. Many people make resolutions, set goals, or scribble ambitious to-do lists. But for me, there’s one tradition that feels deeply personal, grounding, and transformative: choosing a Word of the Year.
Beyond Good and Wicked
Have you ever judged someone based on your first impression, only to later realize how wrong you were? It’s human nature to form opinions quickly, but often, those assumptions barely scratch the surface of who someone truly is. Recently, I had the opportunity to see the movie Wicked, and it left me reflecting on the profound lessons hidden beneath its glittering surface and powerful melodies.
Start Your Day with Purpose
Every morning, we wake up with a blank canvas; a fresh opportunity to paint our day with intention, purpose, and the energy we want to carry with us. But how often do we rush through our mornings, letting the day unfold without direction? Setting daily intentions isn’t about rigid schedules or to-do lists; it’s about consciously choosing how we want to feel and what energy we want to bring into our day.
Small Town, Big Heart
Ah, the holidays, a season of bright lights, cheery sounds, and a sense of togetherness that warms even the coldest nights. Recently, I had the pleasure of attending our local park district’s annual holiday tree lighting event with my daughter and two-year-old granddaughter. It was a magical evening filled with community, connection, and joy.
Glory in the Highest
The holiday season has a magical way of bringing people together, filling our hearts with warmth and joy. This year, I had the privilege of starting the season in the most beautiful way, attending the Carthage Christmas Festival with friends new and old. It was an evening that perfectly blended tradition, music, and community, leaving us all inspired and deeply connected to the holiday spirit.
Lift as You Climb
Over a year ago, my good friend Marilyn began encouraging me to attend events with a women’s group she was passionate about. Time after time, life seemed to get in the way: scheduling conflicts, prior commitments, you name it. But Marilyn didn’t give up. She kept extending the invitation, confident it would be the perfect fit for me.
Falling into Gratitude
Fall has a way of wrapping us in its magic, the crisp air, vibrant colors, and cozy nights that make us slow down and savor the season. This year, my family came together for an intimate evening of fall fun, gratitude, and connection. It wasn’t just about the hayrides and bonfire; it was about appreciating the time we have with each other and giving thanks for the love that binds us together.
What If to Why Not
Have you ever paused and asked yourself, What unlived life is still in me? Recently, I attended a workshop led by the inspiring Sonia Choquette, where this very question was posed. It was like a mirror reflecting back dreams I had shelved, passions I had silenced, and parts of myself that had been tucked away for “someday.”