The Imperfectly Charming Blog
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The Gavel, the Gifts, and the Golden Ticket
Over the holidays, my family always finds creative ways to shake up our Christmas Day gift exchange. This year was no exception as we introduced a live auction to the mix, turning our gathering into a spirited, laughter-filled event no one will soon forget.
One Word, Infinite Possibilities
As the calendar turns its final page and a new year stretches out before us, there’s a certain magic in the air; a feeling of fresh beginnings, unwritten stories, and endless possibilities. Many people make resolutions, set goals, or scribble ambitious to-do lists. But for me, there’s one tradition that feels deeply personal, grounding, and transformative: choosing a Word of the Year.
Beyond Good and Wicked
Have you ever judged someone based on your first impression, only to later realize how wrong you were? It’s human nature to form opinions quickly, but often, those assumptions barely scratch the surface of who someone truly is. Recently, I had the opportunity to see the movie Wicked, and it left me reflecting on the profound lessons hidden beneath its glittering surface and powerful melodies.
Start Your Day with Purpose
Every morning, we wake up with a blank canvas; a fresh opportunity to paint our day with intention, purpose, and the energy we want to carry with us. But how often do we rush through our mornings, letting the day unfold without direction? Setting daily intentions isn’t about rigid schedules or to-do lists; it’s about consciously choosing how we want to feel and what energy we want to bring into our day.
Glory in the Highest
The holiday season has a magical way of bringing people together, filling our hearts with warmth and joy. This year, I had the privilege of starting the season in the most beautiful way, attending the Carthage Christmas Festival with friends new and old. It was an evening that perfectly blended tradition, music, and community, leaving us all inspired and deeply connected to the holiday spirit.
Lift as You Climb
Over a year ago, my good friend Marilyn began encouraging me to attend events with a women’s group she was passionate about. Time after time, life seemed to get in the way: scheduling conflicts, prior commitments, you name it. But Marilyn didn’t give up. She kept extending the invitation, confident it would be the perfect fit for me.
What If to Why Not
Have you ever paused and asked yourself, What unlived life is still in me? Recently, I attended a workshop led by the inspiring Sonia Choquette, where this very question was posed. It was like a mirror reflecting back dreams I had shelved, passions I had silenced, and parts of myself that had been tucked away for “someday.”
Beyond the Sunset
Recently, I was driving home just as the sun was setting. The sky to the west was glowing in that familiar, breathtaking array of fiery oranges and deep reds that only a sunset can bring. But as I headed east, I noticed something even more stunning, the sky was filled with dreamy shades of purple, pink, and blue, almost like a cotton candy wonderland. It was incredible, yet I almost missed it because I had been so focused on the "main event" of the sunset behind me.
Let Love Lead
In a world that often feels divided and disconnected, it’s easy to hold back love from others, and many times, even from ourselves. But what if we could change that? What if we stopped withholding love and allowed it to flow freely, both outward and inward? We withhold love when it has the power to transform, heal, and connect us. It’s time to change that narrative and embrace love fully, both for ourselves and those around us.
Take What You Need, Give What You Can
On a recent visit to my girlfriend, we stumbled across something truly remarkable in Cottleville, MO; a tiny, unassuming shed with a profound message: "Take what you need, give what you can." It was called a Sharing Shed, and it warmed my heart to see such a simple yet impactful way of helping a community thrive.
Miles Apart and Heart to Heart
Friendships are one of life’s greatest treasures, but when one of your best friends moves away, it can feel like a piece of your heart has gone with them. Three years ago, one of my dearest friends Beth, moved away, and although we’ve kept in touch weekly, nothing compares to those precious moments of being face-to-face. Recently, I had the chance to visit her, and it was a reminder of the importance of nurturing long-distance friendships.
Why Wait for Someday
Growing up, I remember my mom always reserving the good china, silverware, candlesticks, and crystal stemware for special occasions. Birthdays, holidays, and important family gatherings were the only times we’d see those treasured items come out of their special cabinets. Naturally, I followed suit and did the same thing. For years, I tucked away the "fancy" things, waiting for the perfect moment to use them, even though those moments were few and far between.
The Magic of Fall
As summer winds down and the crisp air of autumn begins to settle in, we find ourselves in the last three months of the year. Here in the Midwest, the weather is turning colder, the leaves are changing into vibrant hues of orange, red, and yellow, and eventually, they fall to the ground in preparation for a new season of growth. Fall is a beautiful time of transition, not just for nature but for ourselves as well. It’s a time to reflect, prepare, and make the most of the season before the year comes to a close.
That’s a Wrap
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve officially wrapped up the first season of The Imperfectly Charming Podcast! Fifty episodes, fifty weeks of heart-to-heart conversations, life lessons, and interviews with extraordinary women who have inspired not just me, but so many of you. Season 1 has been an incredible journey of growth, discovery, and connection, and I’m beyond grateful to each of you for tuning in.
Pampering with Purpose
Recently, I spent a much-needed day with a close friend, indulging in some pampering and self-care. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but taking time for ourselves and connecting with the people we love is so important for our overall well-being. When my friend mentioned she’d never been to a salt cave, I knew we had to go!
Old-Fashioned Charm
Do you ever have those places that instantly bring you back to simpler, sweeter times? The ones that hold a special place in your heart, reserved for cherished memories? For me, that place is a quaint frozen custard shop with bright yellow and white decor, reminiscent of an old-fashioned ice cream parlor. This shop, with its nostalgic charm, has been a part of my family's traditions that always made it feel like a magical place saved for special memories.
The Power of Stillness
In a world that’s constantly on the move, where our schedules are packed and our minds are filled with a never-ending stream of information, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life. We rush from one task to the next, constantly connected to our devices, and often feel the pressure to do more, be more, and achieve more. But in this relentless pursuit of progress, we forget one of the most powerful tools we have, the power of stillness.
A Blooming Surprise
When I think of the words "community garden," I typically envision a piece of land divided into sections where individuals work, plant, weed, water, and tend to their own plots. However, recently, I discovered a different kind of community garden, one that goes beyond vegetables and fruits, a place where flowers bloom not just for those who plant them, but for the entire community to enjoy and share.