I Want Some of That
The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes the meaning of envy as, “the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has.” Can you relate to these words? In this new year, I invite you to do and feel something radically different. It will take the pressure off comparison and will actually make you feel better, and dare I say satisfied. Read on my friends.
A famous quote I often refer back to belongs to Theodore Roosevelt, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” In my opinion, it quickly becomes a slippery slope when we compare ourselves to others. In an instant we can feel inadequate, less than, and deflated. It can turn a situation into a self pity-fest lickety-split. There are plenty of people out there curating their lives to be the greatest that ever existed. I’m calling BS. No one has the picture-perfect life. They just want you to think it is. Everyone experiences ebbs and flows, and ups and downs throughout life.
However, when you see someone much further along in their life, career, spiritual journey, or financial situation to name a few, I offer you a better and easier way to look at what someone else has or does, that you think you want or need. It is something I learned along the way in 2021 from my mentor Sheri Salata, which has changed the way I see and react to life. It’s so simple, yet uplifting and works every time that I use the simple five word sentence, “I want some of that.” Holy, mic drop, my mind’s blown, Batman! Doesn’t that feel lighter and brighter? There’s no judgment or looking through green colored glasses.
Saying those five easy words not only wishes the person well, but also makes it possible for you. Yes, YOU! Saying, “I want some of that,” is your way of putting it out into the universe exactly what you desire. No jealousy or envy required. There is so much goodness in using this statement. Who’s jumping on the train?
I encourage you to walk through the green door of envy and into the world of being satisfied where you’re currently at. I’m not suggesting to give up on your dreams and desires, I’m asking you to come at it from a new way of thinking. Instead of feeling jealous to what other’s have and you currently don’t, to a feeling of excitement for when you’ll call it into your life. By saying, “I want some of that,” is doing just that. Who’s with me?
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