The Imperfectly Charming Blog
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The Time is Now
I can hardly believe another year is coming to a close. Time is flying by so fast, some days I feel like I need to take a breath. There is so much I want to experience and it feels as if life is accelerating like a high-speed train. We are all given only so much time on earth. With each new year we’re closer to the end and I want to make the most of my time.
SoulFull Sound Bathing
I recently attended the SoulFull 2022 event. I knew by the description I would love the experience. As everyone entered with their yoga mats, pillows, and blankets, they placed them in neat rows. I met new friends on either side.
It's an Inside Job
Checking in to see how your inner critic is doing lately. With holiday season just around the corner this is a gentle reminder to especially be kind to ourself.
Minding the Gap
How can we manage what happens between the highs and lows of everyday life and the holiday hustle? By minding the gap and making a plan.
The Littlest of Blessings
My favorite part of Tuesdays, the day I stay with my grand baby, Emery, is when she is in my arms sleeping and snuggling close to my heart. At least once a day when she naps I rock her to sleep.
Do You See What I See
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere” - Albert Einstein. Recently, a friend of mine sent a link for a 7 Day Creative Visualization Challenge she thought I’d be interested in. She was correct.
Together We Rise
I’ve spent the week with three of my fellow coaches in sunny, windy and rainy Florida. This was our third year in a row of last minute planning that magically worked out, again. No agendas were made, our days would be created as they happened.
Embrace the Chaos
“She embraced the chaos as it painted her life with purpose” - JH Hard. I don’t believe people purposely seek out chaos. Life just happens, and with it naturally comes some disorder and on occasion, complete pandemonium. Over the last several weeks I’ve experienced a bit of anarchy myself.
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
When my daughter and I found out my son and his wife were having a baby we were beyond excited. Of course we wanted to know what names they were considering or adding to the mix. They told us they wouldn’t be revealing the names until the baby was born, and didn’t really want any suggestions.
Fall Harvest
Just the other day I was at home and heard a loud racket coming down the road behind my house. In an instant I knew what it was as I scurried to the patio doors. Thundering down the road was exactly what I expected, and a warm wave of emotions filled my body.
Some Like it Hot
This past weekend I hurt myself and without a doubt, caused the chain reaction 100% from my state of being. I let my emotions take control of my mind, body and soul, and I am dedicating my post to the ugly facts. “Your beliefs, either positive or negative, helpful or hurtful, largely determine everything you do and how you do it” - Brian Tracy.
Something Bigger
“When things don’t work out the way you planned, maybe life has bigger things planned for you. You just don’t know them yet” - David Cuschieri.
Dropping In
The message I was given was I needed to drop into my body. WHAT? Drop into my body? Immediately, I thought how do I do that? Okay Sheryl, let’s not put the cart before the horse.
Naked and Afraid
In June I took part in a venture titled, 50 Women Over 50. It was a project that was created for the purpose of giving women over 50 the confidence and voice to own their beauty, experience, and wisdom. Posing in front of a camera for hours was stretching myself right outside the box and into left field.
By the Light of the Moon
A full moon is said to bring powerful energy. It calls us to release any negative emotions, and asks us to take corrective action. One way would be to create a list on paper or in your head of the things that no longer align with your heart, focusing on the things you need to let go of or those neglected areas you need to cultivate.
Just One Thing
“Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we will ever do” - Brene Brown. Self-acceptance can definitely be a struggle based on what we were exposed to growing up. Were you praised as a child for what you did, or were you scolded for what you didn’t do? For me it was a little of both. Maybe that’s true for most?
Last week my daughter and I were hanging out and I asked her if she would give me some feedback on a few videos for an important project. She’d been my voice of reason even though sometimes the information’s not always easy to receive. After reviewing for a few minutes of the first video, she asked, “Why are you whispering?” I retorted back that I wasn’t and she preceded to imitate my voice and intonation. We started laughing and couldn’t stop. Okay, maybe she had a little point, but I didn’t think it was as bad as she was saying.
Winds of Change
A few weeks ago a friend had offered to teach me how to use a kayak. By all weather accounts it was going to be a great day to learn. The forecast read sunny and mild with no chance of rain. However, Mother Nature had other plans and I would be learning under rainy and cloudy skies. Granted, we could have rescheduled but we both really wanted to go.