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Vision Your Best Life
This past weekend I was honored to co-host another workshop titled, Vision Your Best Life. We were blessed to have spent an afternoon with women ready to vision the possibilities of their own life, by creating vision boards. Vision boards are simply a tool used to help clarify and concentrate on specific life goals, by using any type of board to display images and quotes on what you would like to attract into your life.
Buried Treasure
A few weeks ago, I was honored to co-host a workshop we titled Uncovering Your Buried Treasure. As women and mothers we often give to everyone else first, and don’t think about our own needs. In my case, I was blessed to stay home when my children were born, and gladly gave up my career and my identity to raise my children, and take care of my family. I became known simply as Andrew and Hannah’s mom.
Three Single Words
So, I put my big girl panties on, committed to the assignment, took a deep breath, and sent individual messages to some of my friends and family. What happened next took me by surprise…..every single person but one replied within an hour. No one asked for any further explanation, they just replied with what I asked.
It’s that time again when I pick my word for the new year. It was getting close to the end of 2016 and I hadn’t gotten any feelings or signs about my word. So, I started listing some off in my head, and came across one I thought fit…..grace. I need to show myself more grace, but the problem was the word wasn’t speaking to me, and I was just trying to pick one out of desperation. Not sure why I thought it was mandatory to have this word before the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve….I’m a nut.
Ding Dong
I thought I was doing a pretty good job of being still and listening to what my heart and soul needed, but I was picking and choosing what I acted on. It’s not that I was being outwardly defiant, I was just trying to control the situation on my own terms, and NOT wait for divine timing.
First Snow
When looking at the first snow, do you see the possibilities around you? Are you taking that leap of faith and jumping into the unknown of something new? Do you feel your heart leap at the thought of the newness, or are you holding back?
Does Fear Stop You?
As a young farm girl, I loved animals. I grew up on a dairy farm, and for the record…the size of a dairy cow is significant, especially for a young girl. I can honestly say I had no fear of their size or strength, until the one day I will never forget.
I Dare Ya
I believe everyone was put on this earth with special gifts and talents that no one else can duplicate; making each of us, one-of-a-kind. Some may recognize this at an early age, while other’s lag far behind. For me….yep, you guessed it….. I was a lagger. Looking back, I believe mostly because I doubted I had anything to share, more special than the next person. What I didn’t realize until much later, we all possess something wonderful and great. Like me, I think many search for the answer to the burning question….”What was I put here to do?”
Forty Days and Forty Nights
I’ve always thought of myself as a positive person, but once I heard the words within this video, I realized I was guilty of casting negative words upon myself. Then and there I decided to change those negative thoughts into positive ones by committing to meditation for forty days and forty nights on the Power of I Am.
Grab the Umbrella
In the midst of chaos, I kept hearing my authentic, heart-centered voice tell me to trust and believe that things would work out. Don’t stress or worry…..yeah, those two words aren’t even close to my top ten to avoid……HA!
Gal-entine's Day
So, what does a single girl do on Valentine’s Day? She hangs with her girlfriends and makes the most of the occasion. Over the weekend I was invited to a “Gal”entine’s’ Day celebration with four of my girlie-gals. We could have whined and complained about not being in a relationship, but instead we celebrated life. It was a fun weekend, and as always, laughter and happiness filled the air.
Love Letter
When it comes to Valentines’s Day, I adore everything about it, including the thought of writing love letters to special people in my life. But how often do we think about writing a love letter to ourselves? If you’re anything like me, probably next to never. This year I decided it was time.
Chasing ZZZZZZZZ's....
Last week I was chasing sleep all week long. I’d get up every morning vowing to be in bed early that night, but sleep kept eluding me for one reason or another. You know it’s bad when your first waking thought is “I can’t wait until tonight to get back in bed”.
Dear Stress
When I read the funny but poignant sign, it was a reminder of how I want my days to play out…..stress-free. Or, realistically, as close to stress free as possible. So, how does a so called perfectionist learn to have less stress in her life?
My One Word
A few years ago, a friend had asked me what was my one word for the year…….huh? I wasn’t sure what she was talking about, but I liked the sound of it….”tell me more.” She talked about choosing a word that resonated, and felt right in my heart regarding the upcoming year. One word that would inspire me, one word I would go back to time and time again throughout the year, if not on a daily basis. One word to give the year meaning, one word only meant for me.
Three Hundred and Sixty-Five
With the start of a brand spanking new year and three hundred sixty five….well actually, three hundred and fifty nine days left in 2016, what will you do with your time? Most people set goals, make resolutions, and try to make this year better then the last.
Imperfectly Charming
In this shiny new year……be present, dwell in the possibilities, listen to your heart, connect with your soul, invite love in, and shine. Each one of us has a unique light to share….let it sparkle, because you are, without a doubt….imperfectly charming.
Star Light, Star Bright
I was invited away for a weekend to Door County, Wi. The first night coming back to the cabin, the air was crisp with a slight bite of the upcoming winter, and the sky was pitch dark. As I glanced up, it almost took my breath away; just from the beauty of the contrast between the blackish, navy sky and the millions of brilliant, twinkling stars. I could hardly pull my eyes away from the universe above my head, back to the earth below my feet.