Three Hundred and Sixty-Five
With the start of a brand spanking new year and three hundred sixty five….well actually, three hundred and fifty nine days left in 2016, what will you do with your time? Most people set goals, make resolutions, and try to make this year better then the last.
I am really working on not rushing into tomorrow, but what if you woke up today and it was 2017, a year from now? What does your life look like? Did you accomplish what you wanted in 2016. Did you make a difference? Close your eyes and see your life, your relationships, your health, your career and your finances? Are you sharing your special gifts or paying it forward? This is a new year, and the good news is……you get to decide.
Each day, everyone is given the same amount of time, twenty four hours, or fourteen hundred forty minutes, or eighty six thousand four hundred seconds. May this be the year you’ve been dreaming of.
As I close my eyes and see what my life looks like, it’s filled with hope, love, laughter, and possibility; as a result of listening to my heart, believing in myself, and getting out of my own way. As this new year begins, make time to follow your heart, use your passions and plan fun adventures. Be inspired and inspire others. The year gives us three hundred sixty five days……..what will you do with yours?