Gal-entine's Day
Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone, and for a single girl that could be an issue. I might feel lonely or sad, but I don’t. It’s not that I don’t want someone incredible in my life, it’s just not the right timing. I’m busy getting ready for him, and he for me.
People, including my daughter, tell me I am too picky…..”Why, yes I am.” Why wouldn’t I be picky….I’m not expecting perfect, I’m expecting someone that’s perfectly suited for me, and me for him…’s that simple.
So, what does a single girl do on Valentine’s Day? She hangs with her girlfriends and makes the most of the occasion. Over the weekend I was invited to a “Gal”entine’s’ Day celebration with four of my girlie-gals. We could have whined and complained about not being in a relationship, but instead we celebrated life. It was a fun weekend, and as always, laughter and happiness filled the air.
As life continues to speed by, I am a busy being a parent, managing my career, spending time with friends and family, as well as going to school along with keeping other commitments. Even though life feels lonely at times, I’m not obsessing about men or the lack of being in a relationship, but instead focusing on becoming the best version of myself.
Have faith and be patient you’ll find someone perfectly suited for you. When the time is right he’ll show up in my life too, but until then, if I happen to be invited to next year’s GAL-entine’s Day celebration …..I’ll smile and say “Bring it on”. Then have a fun filled weekend with my girlie-gals.