Dear Stress
While recently visiting a loved one in the hospital, my sister, mom and I were meandering through the gift shop looking for treasures while we waited. I stumbled across a wooden sign that actually made me laugh out loud, it read….dear stress, let’s break up. I thought it was both funny and clever. Too often I let stress control my day, and then get irritated with myself for letting it happen….causing more stress…”OH, for the love of”.
When I read the funny but poignant sign, it was a reminder of how I want my days to play out…..stress-free. Or, realistically, as close to stress free as possible. So, how does a so called perfectionist learn to have less stress in her life?
Meditation is a great way to calm my fears, and mind each morning, and staying present throughout the day, connecting to my breath. Perhaps talking over different scenarios that may occur about a situation and being prepared for the worst and planning for the best. If you will let it, the universe will give you what you need. Case and point….while writing my blog post this week, I woke up in the middle of the night, 3:16 A.M. to be exact, and my to do list started swirling around in my brain…….”YO…..KNOCK IT OFF” and quit stressing….I must admit, writing this post was at the forefront of my list. Not sure why, since I’ve always finished my posts and published at the same time, without fail, for a year. What am I stressing about?…..ARGH!
Then this happened….I use different sources for my morning meditation and yesterday morning was no different. For the last month I have used the Internet and usually have to scroll for a few minutes to find a meditation that feels right. Yesterday, I kid you not….the first thing on my screen was a stress free meditation…..WHAT? I chuckled out loud, then meditated. I love when the universe provides me what I need at the precise time I need it. What a gift I was given.
I’ll continue to look for ways to keep stress at bay and my eyes open for unexpected blessings for answered prayers. I’ve decided since stress and I have been at odds about the whole situation, I must insist ……..”dear stress, let’s break up………love, me”.
…ps, thanks Cinderella for my sign and reminder..I love it!