The theme for this week is: Get Naked!

What is shame? Brene Brown describes it as, “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging – something we’ve experienced, done, or failed to do makes us unworthy of connection.” 

Shame typically arises when we feel we’ve made a mistake. It involves feelings of inadequacy, and negative self-evaluation.  Also, if we grew up in a household where we were not accepted, loved but were criticized we may internalize a message that we are inadequate, or unworthy in some way.

To help when you’re feeling shame:

Challenge your inner critic by asking: is this is really true?

Have compassion for yourself: everyone is human and makes mistakes

Get to know your triggers 

Make small changes such as meditation or affirmations

Accept kindness from others and yourself

Daily Journal Prompts/Morning Reflections:

Day 15 - What color do I feel like today and why?

Day 16 - Is my guilt or shame generated from within me, does it come from an external source or person, or does it stem from a past experience?

Day 17 - In what ways might my guilt or shame have a positive influence on me, or how could I use it constructively?

Day18 -Is there a way to make amends for what I’ve done?

Day 19 - What’s holding me back from moving on?

Day 20 - What can I learn from a shame or guilt situation?

Day 21 - What is my first memory of guilt or shame

Weekly Soul-Care Love Practice: I’m inviting you to try (or create one of your own):

Meditate for 5-10 min 

(Youtube has many free resources ( Favorite channel ), or free phone apps like Insight Timer)