The Struggle is Real

It seems like there is an abundance of people, including me, feeling stress, strain and struggle in 2020. In fact, most people I’ve talk to have felt anxious and uncertain at times about the state of the world with COVID19, and recent violence. A world where many haven’t experienced anything like it before. Because of this, most don’t know how to navigate in the moment or moving forward.

In many cases, people are simply coping. Getting through to the next day, only to start all over again. Taking time to get done what has to get done, but not taking the time to care for their own well being. When I’m stressed or anxious, without even realizing, my needs often get pushed to the back of the line. Which ultimately means, I’m no longer living in the present, but worrying about tomorrow which hasn’t even happened.

If you’re feeling like this, you’re not alone; the struggle is real. I believe people are trying to get through this unprecedented time on their own and feel they are an isolated case but know, many feel the same emotions. We need each other to lean on as we walk through this experience. Rise up my friends, these times won’t last or define us; they will make us stronger. Take time each day to care for you.

Tips when you’re feeling anxious, stressed and coping to get through the day:

  • Take time meditating, practicing yoga, listening to music or relaxing.

  • Exercise or move your body.

  • Limit the news.

  • Connect with nature.

  • Eat well-balanced meals.

  • Limit alcohol and caffeine.

  • Take deep breaths.

  • Accept you can’t control everything.

  • Practice gratitude.

  • Welcome laughter.

  • Be positive.

  • Talk to someone.

  • Do your best.

  • Be kind to yourself and others.


The Serenity Prayer: by Reinhold Niebuhr

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. 


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