Stay Grounded
Here in the midwest, this year’s summer weather has been exceptional. I can’t remember a year when the weather was this nice starting at the beginning of June. Actually, I believe it began sometime in May. Usually, June is a cool month with one or two warmer days, but this year it was a fantastic month; followed by a great July and August.
Being able to get out into the fresh air to enjoy the mild days and nights has kept me feeling grateful amidst the uncertainty. The weather has truly been a blessing during COVID. Connecting to nature has been a wonderful and powerful way to stay grounded to the here and now.
Since this week’s post is dedicated to staying grounded by connecting with nature, I thought I would do a little research around the subject. Even though I knew grounding was good for us, I wanted to know more. The research I found stated it’s beneficial to be connected to the earth without shoes, if possible. It’s said to normalize cortisol release, improve sleep and help with inflammation. For the next few days I made it a point to walk in my yard barefooted. It felt relaxing, calming and cool to the touch.
Tuesday, I decided I would stay outside and listen to an audio book while connecting with the earth. My backyard’s adjacent to a busy road in my community, and I found myself turning up and down the volume to accommodate the noise of traffic. At one point I lowered the volume without much thought and could hear what sounded like walkie talkie communications. I thought it might have been crews working along the road which had often happened over the summer.
Shortly thereafter, a helicopter passed overhead and then a few minutes later came over again. The third time it circled around, I wondered if something was going on that I should be aware of and head indoors. Were they looking for someone? I sent a text to my daughter that I thought it was weird since the helicopter was flying very low. Then she mentioned the president of the United States was visiting a nearby city.
I knew he was coming in town but assumed would be flying into either Chicago or Milwaukee, but instead soon learned he was landing at a small airport nearby. Then I realized there was no longer any traffic on the road and decided to head to the end of my property. Sure enough, the road was closed and I could see the police cars stationed and ready to protect. I also noticed bike riders and a few on-lookers that were at a nearby crossroad. OK…..I guess the president’s motorcade is coming through. Maybe I should change into something nicer, fluff my hair……or wave a flag….haha!
For the next 10-15 minutes, the motorcade passed by; spaced out at either end. I counted 56 vehicles, although I may have missed a few. I’d say that’s a lot of protection. Regardless of which side of the aisle you stand on, it was a sight I’ll probably never see again from my backyard and thought it was awesome to witness.
If I hadn’t been out in my backyard connecting to nature that day I might have missed the whole thing. I invite you to take off your shoes and socks, let your feet feel the earth and the powerful beauty of nature; then soak up everything around you. It’s a re-connection with the world and a reminder we’re part of something much greater than ourselves. Stay grounded and above all, rooted in love.
Simple ways to connect to nature:
Feel the earth beneath your feet
Drive the scenic root to work
Plan outdoor activities
Read or work outside
Plant a garden
Take your yoga practice outdoors
Watch a sunrise or sunset
Hug a tree
Take a hike
Plan a picnic
Walk along a sandy beach
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