The Butterfly Effect

By now you’ve had time to settle into the new year and the new you. What goals and dreams have you set for yourself in the next 12 months? Over the last several years, I’ve ditched the resolutions and adopted choosing “my word” of the year. Sometimes the word came easily and then other times I found myself digging deep and listening for it to lay upon my heart.

This year it came about two months early. Seriously?! At first I kept ignoring the word since there were still a few months left in the year and I loved my word for 2019… I used it to guide my actions; always looking for ways joy could make by days brighter. Even if things weren’t going as planned I always tried to look for the silver lining; ultimately things automatically improved just from a little shift in my thinking.

When I envisioned my word of 2020, a butterfly kept coming to mind. A butterfly makes small changes over time and finally emerges stronger than ever. I’ve been working on growing and stretching myself over the last several years and at first glance it may not appear that much had changed but at a second glance I’ve felt a metamorphosis of sorts emerging. All the small steps taken mattered. They are getting me closer to my goals, just as the caterpillar makes it’s long journey to become a beautiful butterfly.

The caterpillar stage is all about growth. The chrysalis stage is about developing and the butterfly stage is emerging and breaking free from self-limiting beliefs. What has the butterfly taught me? Don’t rush growth, never give up, don’t fly too soon, be patient, let go of expectation and love yourself during the process.

My word of the year is “transformation.” I’m excited to see where it leads. Here’s to the butterfly effect and to my and your own transformation. I invite you to pick a word, meant just for you, and let it guide your year.





Oh, no you didn't