
Dreams……what messages do they send? Some say they tell us a lot about ourselves which can be baffling at times. I’ve always been a vivid dreamer but the problem is remembering them. Sometimes I wake up during a dream, remembering bits and pieces, then fall back asleep, and the story continues. However, deciphering them feels like I need a secret code.

I’ve been keeping a dream journal since spring of last year. I don’t always jot them down for a couple of reasons: 1) I wait too long and don’t remember or 2) so many crazy things happen I don’t know where to begin. The latter has happened quite frequently and I find myself shaking my head in complete wonder. Wondering, what could the most random, off the wall, doesn’t make a bit of sense, events possibly mean?

I was journaling two dreams earlier this week and while trying to remember as much as I could, knew I was leaving off important details because I waited too long. After finishing I decided to take a look back at some of my earlier dreams and was floored I had such crazy non-sensical stories. Like…..laugh out loud, doesn’t make a lick of sense, that no one would understand me, dreams.

I thought I’d do a little research and found a dream dictionary. I took one dream for example to look up meanings. At the end of one dream I was surrounded by a bobcat, panther and black dog as my daughter tried to rescue me while scientists looked on. What? I looked up bobcat in the dictionary which suggested I needed to pay close attention to what I see and hear in life. Looking up dogs there were around 30 different interpretations if one made an appearance. As far as a panther goes it could be danger lurking or power, beauty and grace; I’ll take the last three, thank you very much….lol. If a scientist shows up in a dream it could mean experimentation, invention and thinking outside the box. Wow…..how do those all tie together to create a story and teachable moment?

For now, the mystery of dreamland will have to continue. In the meantime, I’ll keep recording my dreams while trying to uncover their secret code. Do you write down or remember your dreams and if so, what are they are telling you? If dream journaling sounds fun to you, I invite you to join me in the chase.

Tips on keeping a dream journal:

Keep a journal next to your bed

Journal dreams first thing, without disruptions

Include as much detail as possible (including people, places, feelings, surroundings, etc.)

Draw pictures if needed

Look for patterns

Here’s to uncovering more about ourselves.





The Butterfly Effect