Love Spilling Over

This past weekend happened to be one of my favorite days of the year, Valentine’s Day! I love all things red and pink during this time. Even though I don’t have anyone special in my life, I still love the holiday. My day started out like most mornings, however, the girlfriend I usually workout virtually with was spending the morning with her hubby, and I decided to go to yoga. I’d been saying to my yoga instructor that I was going to start adding another day to my practice and Valentine’s Day seemed like the perfect time.

If you currently go to yoga or an exercise class, people usually have a specific spot they migrate toward each week. As I walked in the door and inquired which spot I could use, my yoga instructor ticked off the people in her head and it happened to be, my normal spot was usually empty. WOW…..”OK, it’s meant to be,” I announced.

The instructor always starts and ends the class with an essential oil hot infused towel but since this class was on Valentine’s Day, she also laid in front of each woman’s mat: a flameless candle, inspirational valentine and chocolates. I was feeling both inspired and loved. What a wonderful way to begin my morning.

Later that morning I was the lucky recipient of a latte from my brother! This day was getting better and better by the minute. Within a short time, my daughter called and asked why I hadn’t called her back. Umm…..I had no idea I missed a message. She had sent a message that she left a surprise for me under the bed in her former room. She had been home the weekend prior and had planted the gift without my knowledge. It was a beautiful pebble-leathered purse in the loveliest shade of pale blue. I was blown over by her sneaky little plan. An hour later or so my son called to wish me a Happy Valentine’s Day. Holy cow, could this day get any better?

All day long I kept saying to myself, “This is a great day!” I started out that morning by honoring my body and then again and again love followed me. Once you allow love in and show gratitude, it keeps coming to you. The trick is to notice it’s happening, acknowledge it, then be open to receive more. As each wonderful thing happened, my heart was full and my soul was fed and the love was spilling over into the rest of my day. How are you welcoming love in?


PS….My inspirational Valentine read:

“By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.” - Edwin Elliot

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