From Grief to Grace

Recently, I had an experience I won’t soon forget. If you’ve followed my journey, you know how much I love connecting with my angels, guardian angels, and loved ones who have passed. So, when I was invited to participate in an intuitive energy session that included live horses. I was intrigued and excited to learn more.

Horses are known for their sensitivity and ancient wisdom. These majestic creatures are being trained to work with people on an energetic level. Although the concept wasn’t new to me, I knew little about the actual process. Curiosity piqued, I booked a session.

During my reading, two horses stood in a pen next to the practitioner. As I explored deeper into the process, I learned that horses are clairsentient animals, meaning they can perceive emotional energy through feeling. As intuitive beings, they sense the energy around them, perceiving when and how to react.

Horses have a strongly attuned sense of awareness. They can sense things that are not perceivable to most humans, recognizing our intentions, emotions, and other energetic projections more easily than we can.

Humans, like horses, have a strong intuition. However, humans often fall short in following intuition due to limiting beliefs. Unlike horses, we have mental blocks that hinder our ability to fully trust and follow our inner guidance.

I don’t want to sound too "woo," but I could feel an undeniable connection with the horses. They would whinny when they felt energy coming from me, creating a profound sense of communication and understanding.

The most startling and heart-wrenching moment came when the practitioner shared, my Dad’s presence entered the session. I believe our loved ones are with us more than we know, guiding and protecting us. His message was clear; I needed to release him. Tears flooded my eyes as my heart sank. For a moment, it felt as if he was leaving me all over again. But what he was truly communicating was the need to release him from the physical grief I was holding onto.

He assured me that a much better relationship with him awaited in the non-physical realm. This revelation was both painful and hopeful. It was a reminder that while our loved ones may no longer be with us physically, their presence and influence remain strong.

I was initially unsure how to release him, so I reached out to the intuitive practitioner for guidance. She advised me to practice the art of letting go and to connect with him through meditation. This practice has since become a vital part of my healing journey.

Working with such magnificent animals was a humbling and enlightening experience. Horses, free from limiting beliefs, can sense ours and help us trust our intuition. They teach us to be present, to feel deeply, and to trust our inner wisdom.

My journey went from grief to grace surrounded by a hopeful healing heart. We can learn so much from horses. Their ability to connect on an energetic level is a powerful reminder of the unseen forces that guide and support us. By trusting our intuition and embracing the messages we receive, we can find healing and clarity in our lives.  If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend experiencing an intuitive session with horses. These powerful beings can help you connect with your inner self and loved ones in ways you never imagined.


To contact and or work with Christina Trifero directly.

To learn more about the horses at the Soul Barn of Serebe.

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Neon Nights


Holy Hormones, Batman!