Holy Hormones, Batman!

For several years, I've been on a path of transformation and wellness. This year, my focus has shifted to a crucial aspect of my well-being: hormonal health. Understanding and balancing our hormones can be a game-changer, yet it's often overlooked in mainstream healthcare.

At the beginning of this journey, I set the intention that the right practitioners would present themselves, and I would be able to discern if their offerings were right for me. A few months ago, I underwent a complete hormone panel test called the DUTCH test. This test is incredibly detailed, providing a multi-page document on the state of my hormonal health.

When the results were ready, I met with my practitioner. Reviewing the extensive report was both enlightening and overwhelming. HOLY HORMONES, BATMAN! Some of the findings were encouraging, while others highlighted areas that needed attention. Despite the initial overwhelm, I approached the situation with hope and inspiration, and ready to take control.

While my practitioner provided a comprehensive review of the test results she also outlined a protocol moving forward. Although some of the numbers were alarming, they weren't entirely surprising. Hormones run our bodies, yet they are rarely discussed unless there's an obvious problem. When our hormones are out of balance, we are out of balance. This realization reinforced the importance of being our own health advocates.

For the next 90 days, I'll be taking several supplements to help to begin to balance my hormones. It's a commitment, but I’m hopeful it will move the needle in the right direction. The key takeaway here is that we need to be proactive about our health. Ask questions, push for answers, and do your own research. Our bodies are our own, and we know them best.

Transitioning from someone who took no prescriptions and only a small amount of supplements to someone taking several supplements each day has been a significant change. Every morning, I have to remind myself of my mission: to be the best version of myself. This commitment to my health drives me to stay the course, even when it feels daunting.

Gaining knowledge about my hormonal health has been empowering. I wish I had known this information earlier in my life. While I can't change the past, I can take action now, and I encourage others to do the same.

Balancing hormones isn't just about taking supplements. It's about adopting a holistic approach that includes mental, physical, emotional, hydration, and nutritional health. Our bodies are miraculous and designed to protect us, but we must be good to them. Hydrate well, eat nourishing foods, manage stress, stay active, and take time for self-care. These practices support hormonal balance and overall well-being.

My, HOLY HORMONES, BATMAN journey has taught me the importance of being my own health advocate. Don't wait for symptoms to become unbearable before seeking help. Take charge of your health today. If you suspect hormonal imbalances, seek out professionals or comprehensive testing like the DUTCH test and work with knowledgeable practitioners. I’ve got my work cut out for me, but I’m moving forward along my path. Who’s with me?


PS…reach out to me if you’d like to have a conversation: hello@imperfectlycharming.com

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