Days Like These

“The great thing about life, when you feel you have gone off track you can always get back on track. Change your mind. Change your life,” Unknown. Recently, my self-care routine and practices flew right out the window. They waved good-bye and didn’t look back. That’s right, me. In four straight days I let everything slide.

Going into the four-day stretch I had already planned on not getting anything done since I’d be watching my nine month old grand daughter. She demanded and deserved my undivided attention. My heart was dedicated to hers, however, that meant any self-care practice for my own well-being were tossed aside. My old patterns crept back in without blinking an eye.

It’s common for women to give to others first before they give to themselves. That’s exactly how and why I originally got into a battle with myself many years ago. The day I woke up and didn’t recognize myself, was the first day in a long line of days to arriving at my own independence of owning my worthiness, albeit little by little.

Trust me when I say my journey was two tiny steps forward and then one step back. Over time all the single steps strung together to get me where I am today; doing more for myself first and falling in love with me. The fact is, I don’t believe I was ever in love with myself. I’m turning that around and doing what I can to be my own best friend.

Why then did I beat myself up after those four days? I didn’t feel great about ignoring my practices. During a meeting the subject came up with my mentor, but once I told my story she stopped me quick and reminded me that in fact I didn’t get off track. I just went in another direction temporarily. Although my normal practices were tossed aside, I was creating new ones with my precious grand daughter.

She was completely right. I moved my body more in those four days than I would have not watching her. I was exhausted in the best possible way. Every time I looked into her sweet eyes and felt her heart with mine it was right. It also made me realize I can have a better plan the next time I watch her or risk myself falling back into old people-pleasing patterns. I’ll get to test it soon since she’ll be staying with me again in a few weeks I might add….HAHA! I’ll be watching her for another four day weekend.

“Don’t quit. If you stumble get back up. What happened yesterday no longer matters. Today is another day to get back on track to move closer to your dreams and goals. You can do it,” Unknown. I know they’ll be more days like these, and I need to be more prepared and dedicated to not only doing for others but also doing for me. One thing I know to be true, is when I give up on me, everything starts to fall apart. This is a gentle reminder to take care of myself and for you to take care of you too.


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