Where Birds Sing and Flowers Bloom

New beginnings and the arrival of spring brings a season for hope and fresh life. Even though it’s still chilly in the mid-west, whenever spring arrives, I feel a new sense of rebirth and possibility. I find myself with a pep in my step on the precipice of sunshine, warmer weather, songbirds, and signs of green in every direction.

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome,” — Anne Bradstreet. This quote rang true for me. Adversity and mediocrity have made me who I am today. It hasn’t always been about the beautiful flowers that show themselves, but rather the failures and lessons learned that created the next unfolding of my life. Although, in the moment the failures and lessons weren’t usually welcomed, in the reflection they were pure gold.

On the second day of spring, as I was looking up, something caught my attention. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a glimpse of red, and upon closer inspection was a beautifully colored red cardinal. He was gorgeous and majestically sitting on a branch. I immediately smiled and felt the calling of spring, new birth, and the celebration of my expansion.

I’m always looking to improve my life in small or big ways that elevate me to my next rising. I’m not in competition with anyone but me. I want to leave this life with nothing left unsaid or undone. I want to use my superpowers for good in service to others.

Recently, I was feeling called to step out of my shell and start saying yes to opportunities I normally would have let pass me by. Because I said, “Yes,” to one little thing, several more opportunities have presented themselves. I mean, like on a silver platter … WHAT? Yes, by opening my heart the Universe responded, and I’m listening and taking action.

What one little step can you take right now that will help you expand? Try focusing on one goal that would make your life happier, improve one area, or help you rise to the next level of your expansion. Where birds sing and flowers bloom so does hope and inspiration. Are you ready for your next up-leveling and expansion? Spring is paving the way for your rebirth and mine. Will you answer the call?


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Upward Spiral


Days Like These