World Traveler

Recently, my Mom mentioned that her dear friend had dropped off pages from old photo albums of skiing trips they had taken together over the years. As I was looking through the yellowed pages covered in plastic, I began to reflect about my Mom’s love of traveling and her independent spirit. She was fierce, in the best possible way.

She experienced a few to several trips every year for as long as I can remember. Her and my Dad also took a handful of trips to Europe/Africa, as well as many trips to Canada and the continental US, with and without the kids, but she traveled extensively with a group of good friends.

The group traveled to the likes of Austria, Switzerland, France, Canada as well as Alaska and many places in the western United States. The yellowed pages reflected the memories of good times they shared. The pictures revealed not only their time on the slopes but also the in-between fun and adventure as well. There were stunning landscapes, mountains and valleys, along with beautiful resorts and hotels, but what was apparent in all the photos was joy, laughter and friendship.

I asked if I could have a few of the photos and she ended up handing them all over to me. As an adult, I hadn’t thought much about her travels over the years until those yellowed-page pictures appeared. Perhaps because I was busy working and raising my family but now my thoughts are different. I want to learn more details of her travels with her group and her travels with my Dad.

That is one regret I have since the passing of my Dad. I wish I would have had more time to ask those questions that became more important with each passing year. More details of his life before my brothers, sister and I came along. More about his childhood and his life’s adventures. Of course I remembered stories they shared over the years but at the time I probably didn’t ask about the details or I hadn’t retained them. Some of the stories I learned in the few years before he passed were fantastic. I’m sure there were a million more I’d like to hear.

When my Mom and Dad built their new house, my Mom had given me a box of old photos of her travels. My initial thought was, “What am I going to do with these photos from her various trips?” I remembered going through them and decided I’d save them for the time being. Now however, more than ever, I want to find them and uncover their hidden treasures waiting for me. To the world traveler: I’m excited to hear more beautiful stories of your life. Take time to ask those questions you’ve been meaning to but haven’t.


PS…..Fun fact: my Mom’s ski group traveled to 60 different places; I’d say that is pretty incredible.

PSS…..I’m pretty sure I inherited my love of traveling from her even though my Dad enjoyed it too.

The photos below aren’t the greatest quality but I wanted to include them for history sake.

mom ski 1.jpg

mom ski 2.jpg

This Little Light of Mine


Note to self: I am enough