Note to self: I am enough

Recently, along with my two fellow-coaches, held an on-line virtual masterclass titled, Note to Self: I am enough. The class was part of a surprise box service we’re providing to our sisterhood. The surprise box has a quarterly theme and this one was based on “I am enough” which included an invitation to attend the masterclass.

When you think of the phrase, I am enough, what does that bring up for you? Does it make you feel inspired, uplifted and joyful, or does it bring up feelings of doubt, fear and unworthiness? If the phrase makes you feel happy and worthy you are 100% right, however, if it makes you sad and feel unworthy, then there’s work to be done.

In this week’s blog post, I’d like to reflect on two of the five talking points we used as part of the masterclass:

  • You are imperfectly perfect

  • You are unique

You are imperfectly perfect. No one else is quite like you! We owe it to ourselves to be true and authentic. It’s hard to show our imperfections and vulnerabilities but they are what connects us as humans. We root for people that show us raw and real life because we relate to them. We all feel vulnerable at times and don’t want to show that part of us to anyone because we may think we seem weak, or uninformed and less than, but when we do show our authentic self … shift happens and we grow. No one is perfect!

I’ll invite you to jot down in a journal or think about ways in which you are imperfect that give you character and make you ….YOU. I often get words or phrases mixed up or backwards that sometimes don’t make a lick of sense. I can also sound very dramatic over things or situations, and to me I’m just being passionate but others may see drama. It’s things like these that make me…..ME. What are some of your beautiful imperfections?

You are unique. I like to refer to it as your only-ness. No one else is like you, we all have something unique to share with the world. They are your super-powers; what makes you ……YOU! Take time to journal your only-ness, then create affirmations.

Affirmations are incredibly powerful, both positively and negatively. When used, studies have shown that positive self-affirmations can significantly:

  • Raise our confidence

  • Boost our performance

  • Calm our nerves and help with anxiety

  • Control negative feelings

  • Help overcome bad habits

An affirmation is a statement about a perceived truth, said with confidence (such as I am). They work by making your mind believe the statement that it hears. 

For the month of August, I invite you to join our sisterhood in an “I am enough” challenge. A daily, month-long commitment to owning, recognizing, believing and celebrating your beautiful "I am" super powers. Persisting at something for 30 days is a period of time that's long enough for a person to experience how the change affects their life, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. 

Challenge Guidelines:

Once or more per day silently or verbally repeat your personal "I am" statements of truth. This can be a meditation, or you can simply say your affirmations anytime throughout your day. Believe and visualize your statements. 

You are unique and beautiful, just as you are and imperfectly perfect. During August, each morning and night recognize your only-ness and think or say your affirmations. Here’s to a happy challenge and note to self: I am enough, and so are you!


I am Examples:

  • I am strong

  • I am courageous

  • I am beautiful

  • I am worthy

  • I am caring

  • I am kind

  • I am brave

  • I am unique

  • I am bold

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