Raindrops on Roses

Every December, my high school girlfriends take turns hosting our yearly holiday get together. The hostess decides on the menu, theme and particulars about the celebration; then cascades it to the group. This year my friend Jill, hosted the evening and decided it would be the year of “my favorite things.” She provided details for each person to bring three of their favorite “somethings.” It could have been different items or all the same.

Hmmm……this chick couldn’t think of one, let alone three favorites. I had so many or perhaps, worse….. none at all….ugh. Certainly, there were items I used on a daily basis but didn’t feel they were worthy of my gals. I needed to come up with something special, and after reflecting on what was really important to me…….a light bulb went off and I had my three favorite things.

However, they weren’t tangible and my friends couldn’t hold, wear, open, or apply them but I knew they were what I needed to give. My creative side went to work and viola…….my three favorite things were born in a form I hoped would bring joy to the friends that received them.

The first of my favorite things was gratitude. Being grateful about the small and big things in your life will change the trajectory of your day. It even makes challenges easier to face if the blessing was recognized and gratitude was shown.

My next favorite thing was to just breathe. By consciously breathing, you are automatically putting yourself in the here and now. Being present is a gift to ourselves and our loved ones. Not rushing into tomorrow or regretting yesterday; just being present is like striking gold for our soul.

My third and final favorite thing was to know I am enough. We spend our days comparing ourselves to what others have, or do, or say, but we need to learn we are perfect right now. Our unique gifts and talents can only be shared by each of us.

You may be wondering how I translated my favorite things into something tangible. I hand-stamped the words on metal bracelets; one for each favorite. I wished I would have taken a picture of the finished product to post here but joyfully, my friends were touched……it was a gift from my heart to theirs. It was a wonderful evening of celebrating life-long friendships. All the gifts presented were given with love and we’re blessed to have each other in our lives.

Whether it’s “raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens,” my wish is for you is to adopt and practice my three favorite things. You are more than enough, gratitude changes everything and live each day being present by just breathing. My beautiful friends, you are loved!



Inner Wisdom


What Have You Done For You Lately