Now what?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the question “Now what?” As the home isolation orders are slowly transitioning into being, “I’m free……I’m free at last”… what? Like most, I have no idea how I’ll begin to navigate the new normal. In my mind, I want to leap feet first back into my life. The life I’ve known since…….well, since forever. A life I could come and go freely, without fear. I think there are many people that will do just that, and frankly, I envy those folks.

I also envy those people that have kept a semi-normal schedule. Being home for so many weeks, without much contact with the world has created some, not-so-great habits in my house. Ones I know need to change….pronto. Like stop wearing pajama pants all day and getting dressed in normal clothes, combing my hair on the regular, eating less carbs, enjoying fewer cocktails, watching less Netflix and getting back to connecting with my heart like I should.

I’ve been beating myself up for these bad habits and I’m guessing so have many of you. But what we need to do is show ourselves a little grace. Being isolated causes stress and anxiety and letting ourselves feel our emotions is OK. Most of us have never seen or experienced anything like this.

Even though I know I’ve created some not-so-good habits, I’ve also created some good ones. All this extra time at home has created an opportunity to get my closets, cabinets, dressers, etc. in order by; decluttering, organizing, and giving unused items to new homes. Virtually working out with a friend each morning has been a blessing, connecting with family and friends over the phone or on Zoom has been amazing, and reading more has kept my mind active.

If you’re asking yourself, “Now what?”…….give yourself a little grace while you create a new normal for your life. Even though some not-so-good habits have crept in, I’m guessing some good ones have also emerged; count and celebrate those blessings.

Here are a few things to help with stress, anxiety and boost your mood:

  • connect with nature

  • breathe in fresh air

  • say positive affirmations

  • show gratitude

  • move your body

  • love yourself

  • laugh

  • reach out to a friend, neighbor or family member

  • give yourself a little grace


PS…God bless those that have kept their diets in tact. For some, including me….. it’s time to get back into the button pants.

PSS… are a few positive affirmations to help reduce stress and anxiety (say as often as needed):

1. I breathe in relaxation, I breathe out tension.

2. I am capable of solving any problems that face me.

3. I am free of anxiety and am living a calm life.

4. I am ridding my mind of negative thoughts and filling it with positive ones.

5. I am more and more calm with each deep breath I take.

6. I am attracting positive energy into my body.

7. I am free of anything that weighs me down.

8. I have everything I need for a happy life.

9. I have the ability to overcome anxiety.

10. The feelings of panic are leaving my body. 

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