Hitting Home

It’s been nine weeks of isolation, nine weeks of not seeing friends and family, nine weeks of missing appointments, and nine weeks of not being able to do what I want to do…….ugh. However, some states are starting to open up which is, on one hand freaking fantastic, and on the other hand a little scary. Because I don’t think this situation, just resolves itself overnight. Caution and care still needs to be mustered. I get that people are ready to get back to their normal routines, believe me, I’m one of them, but we’re in uncharted territory.

Even though people around me knew others that had fallen victim to the virus and others that had friends or family still in recovery; I hadn’t know anyone personally……well that is until recently. My sister-in-law’s brother had been admitted to the hospital and then within in a few days was transferred to the ICU. For several days we prayed for him and his family. Thank the Lord, he’s now recovering at home, even though his mother’s faith was strong through it all.

Which brings to me to the next part of my story. Last weekend my daughter planned on visiting, but phoned to announce her colleague was getting tested for COVID19. My daughter’s an essential worker in a lab and even though precautions were taken, there was always a risk. She was so upset that she had visited Mother’s Day weekend and had potentially put me, my son and daughter-in-law in harms way.

Even though I was concerned I didn’t want to panic and was taking a page out of my sister-in-law’s mother’s playbook. Let’s wait and see. Within a few hours we had our answers and her colleague and two family members had tested positive, and it was determined Hannah needed to be tested as she urged me to do as well. She was pretty sure the exposure happened after she’d been home, but wanted to be sure. After talking it over with my son, we decided if Hannah tested positive then we would test as well, but in the meantime we would isolate, stay positive, and wouldn’t freak out. Within 24 hours she had her results which were negative……big sigh of relief.

This virus has been affecting so many lives and the past few weeks, like many, it was hitting home for my family. I’m thankful for all the essential workers putting themselves in harms way for the greater good; everyday heroes doing everyday jobs in the most extraordinary way. Stay safe and well friends; we’re all in this together.


PS…..Hannah’s colleague and two of their family members are home recovering. Please pray with me for them, for the essential workers, for friends and family, our leaders, and the world.

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