Pocketful of Sunshine

During this time while everyone remains isolated, I’ve been generously sprinkled with acts of kindness. Friends and family have gone out of their way to make me feel loved, which inspired me to pay it forward and spread a pocketful of sunshine myself. While spreading mulch at my Mom’s house a few weeks ago, my brother and sister-in-law were commenting on a recipe they found for the “famous” Double Tree chocolate chip cookies. My brother travels a lot for work and often finds himself at a Double Tree hotel; where they serve their customers warm chocolate chip cookies upon arrival..

I devised a plan to bake the “famous” cookies for my family and friends and gathered all the supplies and ingredients needed to launch my cookie-making, spreading sunshine plot. Since I had several recipients on my list I knew it would take one day to bake and two days to deliver.

I made the cookie dough in batches, packaged them up and sent messages, making sure they would be home to accept a delivery. Day one, after finishing with two batches, called my brother to see if he was home. He happened to be at the family farm and mentioned he was just leaving and would stop by on his way home. I knew he would be the most excited about the cookies since we had just been talking about them the prior day during a phone call.

Within a short time he pulled up, I handed him his package and a big instant smile came across his face, like he’d just won a jackpot. I asked him if he had 7 minutes to wait for hot cookies right out of the oven. He didn’t have to think twice…..he was all in. We chit-chatted outside while we waited. He was able to enjoy a few warm cookies on the way home. He phoned during his drive and couldn’t have been happier or more thankful. He revealed it made his day, and there may or may not have been some plate-licking going on….LOL. Even though he thoroughly enjoyed the surprise, I felt the impact ten-fold. Witnessing his joy made me feel wonderful.

Delivery after delivery, I received the same type of response. It was such a small act of kindness, yet the impact felt like so much more. People were touched by this simple gesture. I felt excited and energized with each delivery. It was so nice to see their beautiful friendly faces; if only for a brief moment. I had a few more names on my list than deliveries so I believe another round is on it’s way. Spreading a pocketful of sunshine was just what this girl’s heart needed. How are you feeding your soul?


For the Double Tree chocolate cookie recipe click here.

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