Girl Power

Last month, a friend and I commited to a personal challenge. When planning the challenge, my friend suggested we have our “why”……what makes this commitment important to us, and I immediately said “I’m in.”  I just had to dig deep to come up with one that really mattered and spoke to my heart.

My “why” came easier than I imagined, and I wondered how I hadn’t thought of it earlier in my life. Right around the same time I was committing to my “why,” I happened to be listening to music and a song came on I hadn’t heard in a couple of years……..a light bulb went off in my head, and realized I had a theme song to go along with my “why”! I immediately started singing and dancing around the house…….like no one was watching…….PHEW….thank goodness no one was…..hahaha. My “why” and theme song were set and the challenge began.

The first day of the challenge two things happened that were amazing to me, and I felt tingly both times. One of the two things happened after a long day at work, I was exhausted and sitting in heavy traffic, and all I wanted to do was make it home….pronto. I started thinking about my “why”, and just like that, my theme song came on the radio……the same one I hadn’t heard in a couple of years…….it was my affirmation, and I broke out again in song and dance while sitting in traffic, and my frustration melted away.

My friend would send inspirational messages that kept us motivated. I played my song every morning as I started my day and set my intentions around it, as I danced to my theme. The challenge is now over but my “why” and theme song still remain…….I call that my GIRL POWER.

My beautiful friend reminded me, we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for, and as women and mothers we often give to others before we give to ourselves. As I continue on my journey back to me, I am committed to loving myself….come with me, take a leap of faith, listen to your authentic self, let go…….use your Girl Power…….and shine, you have it in you!
