Corn Pickers
It’s that time of year again when the delicious tastes and fresh smells of summer are being harvested. Tomatoes, beans, potatoes, peas to name a few but the top of the list for this farm girl is summer’s fresh sweet corn. The corn varieties planted on the farm go by different names such as bi-colored or butter and sugar, but I’ve always known it by candy corn. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and crunchy, yet tender white and yellow kernels.
My Dad was always famous for his plentiful yearly crop he would share with friends and family. It was planted and tended to each year with love. At the end of his life he asked my brother to keep the tradition alive and this year was no exception. In honoring my Dad’s tradition, Jeff worked the ground, planted and has tended to the crop We offered the sweet corn to friends and family and they, in turn shared with their friends and family.
Two of my girlfriends decided they didn’t want me to bring them sweet corn, they wanted to learn how to select and pick their own. I loved they wanted to learn a little bit about the farm. I had been in the field picking the day before, just after a good rain and needless to say, have a new pair, now old pair, of shoes for mowing and picking corn….haha. I mentioned to the girls it’s best they bring their boots.
Upon arrival, the threw on their boots, walked across the yard, past the barns and implements to the sweet corn patch. Standing tall and green with their light brown tassels and ears growing on each stalk. One of the girls noticed much taller corn that surrounded the farm. The sweet corn patch was positioned this year to the north of one section of the field. I explained the taller corn was field corn and even though used for some human consumption was mostly used for feeding livestock.
After a quick lesson, the picking commenced. The ears should be firm and filled out and the silks dark. We spotted some beetles and a worm or two but overall a productive pick. They asked stories about the farm and my experiences growing up. I was happy to share, in fact, I loved telling stories from my childhood. It brought back great memories of living on the farm; even though the dreaded rock-picking chore was mentioned….LOL. I know, I’ll always be a farm girl at heart and they’ll always be my friends and now new corn pickers to boot. We’re already planning the harvest for next year. Share what you love with people you love.
PS….thanks Sue and Jill for sharing in the tradition. Hope you loved it as much as I did.