You Never Know

We hope as parents that our positive actions, attitudes, and beliefs rub off on our children. We teach and guide them in the best way we know how, and are hopeful those positive examples become some their own actions, attitudes and beliefs. I was recently reminded how impactful positive impressions have on people outside the family circle as well.

Not long ago, a loved one was in the hospital longer than expected. As friends and family learned the news, people started calling, praying and visiting out of love and concern. What I witnessed next made my heart smile, not because I was surprised, but because of the impact my loved one made on so many people, for so many years. I was taken back when one person said my family member was their daughter’s favorite person…..ever! What a testament to their character and heart. They had no idea of the life-long impression it made on this girl. Her life was positively touched in a beautiful way.

What a wonderful reminder of how the actions of others can make a difference in someone’s life. It brought back memories of when my daughter was younger and had girlfriends at the house; any opportunity I had to give them guidance or advice, I would work it into the conversation. I wanted each one to know how special they were. They probably thought….”Oh no, here she comes again,” but out of politeness they listened…..ha.

My hope is I have positively impacted them in some small way. In the future I will try and remember how my actions, big or small may make an impression on someone I may, or may not know. Because you never know when someone may need exactly what you are sharing.


ps…to my daughter’s circle of Besties….you’ll always be my girls.


Queen for a Day


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