Spare a Square

My brother Jeff and I talk on a regular basis and one thing about him that always makes me laugh is the man is prepared for just about anything. I don’t mean because we are in week three of isolating at home due to COVID19 but just because! He has spares of just about anything you can think of.

To prove my point, around day five or six he mentioned his microwave went out and thinking to myself, “poor guy….he’ll have to wait until this is over”, but when I asked……he had a spare. Seriously, who has a spare microwave? I laughed so hard! At one point, I was teasing him and mentioned I thought he had a spare Keurig coffee maker and he was sure he didn’t. A few days later he confessed he did have a backup. HAHA.

A few years ago I was talking to him and mentioned I had a TV go out and was asking him what he recommended and guess what……he had exactly what I needed….LOL. He just happened to have a spare TV, the exact size I was looking for……..I’m guessing the man had more than one extra TV.

As I was writing this post, I was reminded about the Christmas ice cream incident of 2019. Our family was having Christmas day celebration at Jeff's family home and while planning the menu, we decided to honor my Dad and make ice cream cocktails; brandy alexanders and grasshoppers, two of his favs. I told him I would pick up the ice cream, and based on the number of people and recipe, we needed 2 gallons of vanilla, which I purchased and placed in my freezer. The day of, while gathering all the food, supplies and presents I needed to bring, somehow managed to forget the ice cream…..FOR THE LOVE OF. I told him I would run to the nearest store, 15 minutes away but he divulged he may have some in his freezer. The dude had two, almost complete gallons…..LOL. The drinks were a complete and delicious success, thanks to him.

In this time of uncertainty, while we wait, there are still plenty of shortages of toilet paper, cleaning supplies, paper towels and such but I’m pretty confident Jeff will be well-stocked to handle anything. Even though I tease him about his extras, he is one of those people that would give you the shirt off his back; one of the many reasons why I adore his generous heart. I mentioned I may have to come live with him if I run out of supplies, and I know if asked, he’d spare a square…..and would be happy to hand it over. I love that guy! Stay well my friends, spread kindness and look for the blessings.





Making the Most