Making the Most

Along with most of the world, I’ve been trying to come up with things to do during the Coronavirus isolation phase. This week in the US, most states announced shut-downs of non-essential businesses and asked the population to avoid going out of their homes unless it was a necessity. In doing so, people are coming up with creative ways to stay active and in-touch with others while cooped up at home.

Like most, I’ve been using technology to connect with people throughout the week; checking in on family and friends. What a blessing it is to be able to see and talk to them on a regular basis. It’s nice to be able to support each other during the pandemic. I’ll admit, I still have times when I feel anxious and stressed but this week, I’ve been staying away from the news and counting my blessings.

One of my besties and I have been coming up with creative ways to keep ourselves accountable and active while supporting each other. We have established daily workout sessions each morning at 7:30 AM. After one of us calls the other, I’ll jump on my laptop and will pull up her online subscription and workout video while she simultaneously plays it on her TV. Crazy enough, we attempt starting the recording at the same time and place, turning off my sound and listening to hers while we go through the routine; talking and joking throughout the process, and in just under 30 minutes we’ve started our day. Some mornings I would rather stay in bed but I don’t want to let her down and it motivates me to get up at ‘em. I believe it’s the same for her. We may be complaining while we’re exercising, but hey……at least we’re exercising. We’ve had plenty of laughs throughout the process.

We’ve also been discussing how much junk mail we receive and unfortunately both of us stockpile and shred from time to time. Well…’s the time! We’ve instituted 30 minutes or more shredding sessions together on the phone. We laugh and chat while opening, sorting, shredding and being productive. Yesterday, at one point, I was shredding paperwork and she was going through old Christmas card pictures. She decided she would take pictures of the pictures and send them to me to review…LOL. She was also taking an on-line driving course from a recent ticket (sorry for busting her out) but it was hilarious. She had at least 8 hours of testing throughout her day and it kept kicking her out and she’d have to start over. I on the other was having issues with my shredder. I kept forgetting to empty the bin and upon dumping it into bags, little paper chards ended up all other my floor…..three times! ARGH!

As we patiently wait out the “stay at home” order, I’ll keep thinking of creative ways to stay active while tackling much needed chores that always get sidelined. Even though it’s easy to fall prey to anxiety, fear and stress from the news, now’s the perfect time to get some of those things done while making the most of the situation. What creative things have you been doing during the time? Find time and someone each day to look for joy; it’s good for the mind, body and soul.


PS…..Upon receiving mail while writing this post, four more items need to be added to the pile to be opened, sorted and shredded……It’ll never end!

PSS…..Tip of the week: do not, I repeat…..DO NOT look at your 401K/investments. I looked at one and accidentally saw another and about freaked out. The market will bounce back eventually……right? Let’s pray it’s sooner than later; until then, we’re all in this together.


Spare a Square

