Seeing Life Through Her Eyes

During the winter months my son and daughter-in-law travel throughout the upper mid-west on long weekends photographing the Amsoil Championship Snocross Race Series. During those weekends I watch my grand baby half the time. I clear my calendar and I’m focused on her.

Now that she’s 10 months old, she’s crawling everywhere. I used to be able to corral her in one area but now her mobility along with her wonder and curiosity have created a constant moving scrambler. Although I’ve baby proofed what I’m able, there’s still a lot of wiggle room for falling on hard surfaces when she tries to stand. I follow her from room to room watching over her like a hawk.

With her becoming a bit more independent, it’s been a joy to watch her learn new things, notice something she hadn’t seen before, and explore with awe and wonder. Everything was shiny and brand new. The first day, I pointed at pictures on the wall and named each person over and over again as I picked her up to be eye level with the photos. She’d crawl over to the wall that held the photos again and again, looking up with curiosity and delight.

As an adult when does that fade? The newness disappears and we stop looking at things through a magical lens. Most adults have lost the curiosity and no longer see things with a fresh mind. They have expectations rather than using contemplation, curiosity, mystery and exploration.  How can we begin to look at things again in a new and different way?

Watch how a child looks at the world and try to follow their lead. Give one or more idea a try to see if it sparks any joy. Or create some of your own.

  • Smile with your whole heart

  • Notice tastes and textures with great detail

  • Put your bare feet on the grass

  • Splash in a puddle or run in the rain

  • Make time for play and spending time with friends and family

  • Spend more time outdoors

  • Put down your phone

If something doesn’t go to plan, instead of getting anxious, mad, disappointed, or frustrated, try looking at the situation with a curious mind and say, “Hmmm, that’s interesting. I wonder why that happened?” Try embracing the unexpected experiences with curiosity and wonderment.

“If we experience life through the eyes of a child, everything would be magical and extraordinary. Let our curiosity, adventure and wonder of life never end,” Akiane Kramarik. My grand daughter is my greatest teacher. Seeing life through her eyes gives me hope in learning to look through a different and creative lens. I want to be delighted. Imagine what that would feel like.


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