Say Uncle

State by state, the country’s been slowly opening back up from Covid19, but along the way there have been a lot of disappointment, people have experienced. For me personally, a few events, several get togethers, four airplane trips, one weekend getaway, lots of anticipated adventures, and many other calendar dates have all been cancelled through the end of the year. Although, I understand the reasoning behind the cancellations, it’s not always easy to swallow. Even though it’s not always easy, there are friends and family that are getting hit harder and my heart goes out to them.

To all the new and existing moms that are having babies and aren’t able to accept visitors, I can’t imagine how hard it is to turn loving grandparents, family and friends away from seeing and holding a beautiful bundle of joy. To all the healthcare and front line workers not able to come home to their families each day due to fear of exposing their loved ones to the disease, I applaud you. I can’t comprehend the grief in not being able to tuck your babies in at night or hug them in the morning. To all the couples that are planning weddings this year that have been cancelled, rescheduled, restructured or postponed, I’m sending a big virtual hug. It should be the happiest time, but you are being challenged with stress, anxiety and uncertainty. To all the children, teens and young adults that have missed school, sports, dances, graduation, times with friends and other important events, I’m sending you strength and courage to see beyond the moment.

To all the people at higher risk for contracting Covid, and to those in care facilities or hospitals due to the disease or complications, my prayers go out to you, your family and loved ones that aren’t able to visit. It must be difficult enduring this without loved ones near. To all the restaurants, retail businesses, hotels, gyms, spas, studios, all establishments forced to close, owners, workers, and staff that are risking so much by being closed or without jobs, please know I am routing for you and the businesses to thrive again. I’m in the category of small businesses also trying to make it and pray for perseverance.

Some days all the sadness, anxiety, stress, worry, and obligations may make people want to say, “Uncle,” If you’ve never heard that statement, it simply means, “I give up,” or a cry for mercy. I can’t blame people for feeling this way, since some days I have too, but today, I want to offer you hope. Hope for a better tomorrow, with more compassion, love and understanding. A world where we are all connected by this event in history which makes us resilient. A world where we are quicker to help, slower to judge and willing to offer compassion and understanding. As people we are stronger than we think and can help each other mend. I challenge us to look for the beauty in each day; there is so much to be grateful for; even in the face of adversity.


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Barley, the Wonder Dog


Another trip around the sun