
Meditation is something I have tried a handful of times in my life, but never felt I was very successful.  I would close my eyes and think I was meditating, until my long to do list would go across my mind like a ticker-tape at the stock exchange.  I would try to re-focus, but soon enough my mind would be swirling again with all the things I needed to do, along with any worries of the day.  That, my friends, turns into anything but meditation.

I happen to come across a free 21 day meditation  challenge from Oprah and Deepak Chopra, and I had an immediate feeling I was being nudged to commit, so I did.  I embarked on my 21 day journey, determined to complete the challenge.  Each day had a centering thought (theme) and a mantra (kind of like a battle cry), and I thank the meditation gods, because I didn’t have a clue where to begin.  Oprah and Deepak guided me through each day’s meditation, which was a perfect way to learn.

I must admit, it took me a few days to settle into a routine.  I couldn’t decide whether it was better to meditate first thing in the morning or last thing at night.  Doing it the first thing in the morning meant I had to set my already crack-of-dawn alarm 30 minutes earlier, perhaps it’s best to do it right before bed.  However, the couple times I attempted before bedtime, I actually fell asleep, which I am guessing didn’t have any meditative qualities.  So, early it was.

As the days went on I began to treasure the time and looked forward to meditating each morning on a new centering thought.  It made me feel connected and whole; I was more centered and calm.  When the challenge started winding down, I was saddened, but knew I wanted to continue on my meditation journey. I am creating my own daily mantras, and try to say them in my mind several times throughout the day, keeping me connected to the here and now.

Meditation teaches us to stay in the present, connecting mind, body and soul.  Listen, dwell in the possibilities, trust yourself and stay open…..Namaste



Twenty-one? Not Possible


Letting Go