Living on Purpose List

How’s your calendar looking these days? Not your work or to-do list for yourself or others, but rather days that are scheduled just for your joy. The activities or events that make you feel like you’re living on purpose. Most of us spend our days on auto-pilot and before we know it another day has passed without nurturing our soul.

I spent years of working and worrying too much, until I woke from a very long dream. A dream I had forgotten to cultivate. I was so busy getting from one day to the next, I was leaving myself behind. I didn’t even realize time was passing right in front of my unsuspecting heart.

I don’t exactly remember when I woke from my slumber, but it was after my children were older and more independent. My children needed me less and I needed me more. I made the conscious decision to schedule and plan time to play and enjoy life, just for me. I wanted to be living on purpose.

For years I’ve been making sure I have something fun or adventurous on my calendar even though it might be a month or two away. It gives me something to look forward to. I’ll even schedule dates with myself. Even through the pandemic, I tried to always have something fun on my calendar even if it was a virtual pajama or birthday party. It really didn’t matter how big or small the events were. Each one fed my soul and brought me joy.

For the next few weeks I have lunch with a friend, a baseball game, a pool day with my high-school gals, and a pedi all noted on my calendar. WOO-HOO! Then for the two weeks following I have several meetings, deadlines and obligations. It’s all about balance plus having something to look forward to.

“Live less out of habit and more out of intent” - author unknown. Are you making time to schedule days of joy just for you? If you are, Brava! Keep filling your calendar and chasing your dreams. If not, I invite you to add joy, fun and adventure to your life today. Start building a living on purpose list. I am.


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