Listen Up

“LISTEN UP”……is something I am working on in this new year.  How often do we listen to our head rather than our heart?  With this year’s resolution and taking things day by day, I find myself trusting my heart more.

Even though I consider myself a spiritual person, I often get in my own way, and stuck in my head, which is filled with worry and fear, instead of leading with my heart. Listening to my head holds me back from my true gifts and potential. When I make a conscious effort to really listen with my heart, I can feel a shift and the rhythm of my life seems to fall in place.

Don’t get me wrong, trusting my heart and listening doesn’t mean things are magically easy or always make sense, but they somehow fit together in my life.  Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it always fits.  I may not like some of the challenges put before me, but I know it’s a mountain or hill I must climb. Praying and asking for guidance is always needed.

How do I listen to my heart? I pray, and hope, and dream, and then be open to receive the blessings or feelings about a situation. The struggle is keeping myself from falling into old patterns and back into my head.

So…….for now, I’ll keep praying, hoping and dreaming and listening to my heart; are you up to the challenge?……Then listen up.



By Land Air and Sea

