Knee-high by the fourth of July

Growing up on a farm the saying, “knee-high by the fourth of July,” meant the farmer could measure the success of the crops, and the odds for a high crop yield were good. Although now, according to some, the saying doesn’t resonate much any more due to the advancement in agriculture and growing techniques. However, it still does to this farm girl. Each year my brother Jeff and I start taking bets on whether the sweet corn is gonna reach knee-high by July fourth.

I always take the bet that it will, my brother on the other hand, now plants the sweet corn each year, and will determine his bet based on the weather, forecast and timing. I never lose hope in the outcome but for a long time due to weather and conditions, Jeff wasn’t sure the corn would make it this year by the fourth. We hadn’t had much rain, even though I just had faith and nothing more. I wasn’t thinking logically with my head, only with my heart. It’ll be the third summer without my Dad and he was the king of producing the most delicious bi-colored ears of sweet corn. I have felt since his passing he’s still watching over his yearly crop. I’m pretty sure my brother thinks so as well and doesn’t want to let him down.

Does this scenario relate to anything in your life? Do you know things will work out in your heart that don’t add up in your head, or do you continually question the outcome and second guess yourself? In some areas of my life I question myself instead of having faith in my abilities, knowledge and intuition, even though I know I should trust my heart and not my head. My heart has all the answers I need and yours does too.

Start small and ask yourself, “What do I need? or What do I want?” then tune into your heart, get out of your head and trust you have everything you need within you. Maybe it won’t show up in the way you expect, but be curious to other ideas and solutions, and be open to the possibilities the universe puts in front of you. Ask and then be on the lookout for blessings and opportunities, even if they appear different.

Knowing in my heart that each year the sweet corn will be knee-high by the fourth of July is my way of trusting in the process. It may not always work out because of outside forces such as rain or other deterrents but I believe none-the-less, and honestly, I can’t remember a time when it didn’t.. Trust and believe in yourself; then go forth and conquer.


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