Chasing a Comet

This past week I learned about the comet named “NEOWISE” which was just discovered this year. Astronomers stumbled upon it while looking through the NEOWISE space telescope, is one of the brightest comets seen since 1997, and is visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere. Since comet sightings are rare I wanted to catch a glimpse before it was gone. It wouldn’t be seen again for another 6,800 years…..HA!

According to the news, the best time to view NEOWISE was either before sunset or after dusk. It could be seen in the northeastern sky in the morning and the northwestern sky at night. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I would be able to see it at all from my backyard but was willing to give it a try. Even though I didn’t set my alarm, somehow I woke at 4:22 am, looked at my watch and felt nudged to get up and take a chance.

After grabbing my shoes, I was doubtful I’d be able to see if from my patio …. boy, was I wrong. I glanced up into the clear and beautiful, dark blue early morning sky, studded with twinkly stars and there it was …..brightly shining in the northeastern sky. I stood in awe of it’s visible size and brilliant radiance.

Seeing the comet made me think about opportunity knocking on our door. Comets are composed of frozen gases, rocks and dust and may seem scary or overwhelming when we read about their size, power and speed, just as challenges or chances may seem as they come in and out of our lives. We are afraid of the unknown and afraid to take a leap of faith, even though our heart may be guiding us to take a risk.

What’s holding you back? Fear of failure, disappointment, judgement, procrastination or vulnerability? If you fear failure, you’ll be afraid to take risk. If you’re lacking confidence, you’ll continue to wait for opportunities to be given. If you’re feeling unworthy, you’ll never understand your strengths, and if you continue to procrastinate, you’ll never take action.

Next time you consider chasing a comet or an opportunity, listen to your heart. if it feels right then take risks, be bold, brave and vulnerable, own your worth, take action and leap. You may ask the question, “What if I fail?” but I’ll offer to you, “What if you soar?” See the comet as a possibility and opportunity; then take a chance on you.


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Chuck's Rock


Knee-high by the fourth of July