In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning

If you are anything like me, you go through stages in your sleep cycle, and sometimes find yourself tossing and turning in the middle of the night. Most times when this happens, at first I try to ignore the feeling and attempt to go back to sleep, but when that doesn’t work, I pause……then settle in……….something seems to be tugging at my heart.

Then ask, what is the universe trying to tell me? What do I know in my heart that I am ignoring? If you become still and listen…….the answer will come. It is your authentic self whispering what you already know to be true.

If internal feelings aren’t aligned with external actions, trusting your inner voice helps guides our growth through love and joy. The amazing thing about life, each of us already come equipped knowing our own truth, it’s whether or not we choose to pay close attention that matters.

I am being guided down a path, and receive clues and signs along the way; some are subtle, but if I am not paying attention, I might miss them. Other times the signs practically bop me over the head. However, when the path ahead seems dim, I ask for guidance and clarity.

It is both humbling and amazing when things fall in place. I believe these experiences don’t just happen by chance, but rather by listening to our authentic self.

The next time you find yourself wide awake in the wee small hours of the morning, and feel that little tug on your heart…… still, listen. Quiet your mind, invite love in, and let your light shine.



First Born


Tattered and Torn