I'll Get It.....Answering the Call

Have you ever struggled with knowing what your natural gifts and talents are, or are you one of those people that has always known?  If so, consider yourself blessed.  I happened to be one of those people that didn’t know what mine were; or at least in my mind that is what I kept hearing.

Over the last couple of years, a friend would constantly ask me that burning question.  I remember clearly one of those occasions; we were driving into the city and my answer was no different than the last million times……”I don’t know!”  “I want to know, I just can’t figure it out!” She actually rolled down the window and yelled it at the car sitting next to us, in the already irritating Chicago traffic.  She loudly informed them I had no idea what my gifts were; as the two men starred blankly back. Her and I would spar back and forth, with her always claiming VICTORY that I did know…grrrr!

It seems like I was searching for the longest time, but I discovered  I  wasn’t being still and listening long enough to hear.

I spent most of a year being still, listening and uncovering clues.  I kept a log and would write them down and would go over them with a fine tooth comb…..kooky, I know.  I made decisions that would help get me to my answer.

Then, just like that, one morning from a sound sleep, my eyes sprung open and I knew.  I said it out loud and tears of joy began streaming down my face.  It was the Ah-ha moment I had been praying for.  I called my victorious  friend and left a happy and excited message, that she was right.  I also admitted, I  did in fact know all along what my special gift was, and that I had just misplaced it.  I couldn’t have been happier eating crow that morning.

My advice if you struggle with the same burning question is this…..be still and listen.  The next time you hear that voice in your heart, be sure to answer the call and yell “I’ll get it!”  The world deserves your special gifts and talents, and they can only be shared by you.



Letting Go


In the Blink of an Eye