Giving Thanks

Feeling thankful today as we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.A. The holiday is deeply rooted at Plymouth Rock and the celebration among the Pilgrims and the Indians. It is a time many people pause and count their blessings. Friends and families gather together to celebrate the season…….and just so happens to be my favorite holiday of the year.

There are no expectations, other than spending a day with loved ones, enjoying good food, along with familiar family traditions. Like the tradition of peeling and cooking potatoes with my brothers. Funny as it seems, it’s something we look forward to each Thanksgiving. We laugh and joke while peeling a mile high, pile of spuds, that eventually turn into the most delicious mashed potatoes extraordinaire……that we are quite famous for. No matter how many we prepare, there are rarely leftovers.

Another family tradition we do at Thanksgiving, as well as every family dinner throughout the year, we gather around the dining room table, forming a closed circle while holding hands, Dad offers a heartfelt prayer of gratitude for our family, for those not with us, and for those less fortunate. These prayers become more important and sentimental with each passing year.

Even though the Thanksgiving holiday is about giving thanks, I believe showing gratitude throughout the year is what really matters. Take time each day to give thanks for blessings, big and small. I am learning to give thanks for difficulties, as I know there is a reason for each one, and they are blessings as well.

During this holiday season and throughout the year, remember there is always something to be grateful for…….come, join me in giving thanks, with a joyful heart. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
