Eeeeeeek….There's a Mouse in the House!

Recently, I was minding my own business, when out of the corner of my eye I saw something, little and dark, with what looked like a tail…dart across my path!!! The thought of a mouse taking up residence in my house  stopped me, DEAD in my tracks….Eeeeeeek!! I was literally paralyzed with fear as I frantically plotted my next move.  Thank goodness I had socks on, but …FOR THE LOVE OF……where were my shoes?!!!!  If I could only get to them, I would at least be safe from any attack to my exposed feet!!  “OK…..SERIOUSLY Sheryl,” as I asked myself, “are you REALLY letting this tiny thing frighten you, beyond reason?”

Fear often stops us from taking the next step, getting that new job,  living the dream we have in our heart, or maybe tackling finances or weight.  If we take that leap of faith and listen to our hearts and just jump, the fear may be nothing more than a distant memory.

That big scary mouse may turn out to be just a little furry annoyance; wanna take that leap of faith with me?  Let’s jump……….GERONIMO!



Inspiration.....Come and Get It!


Feeding the Soul ❤️