Easy Like Sunday Morning
In a world that often glorifies the busy hustle, bustle, and constant striving, we often find ourselves caught in a tangle of making things seem harder than they really need to be. What if we could unlock the power of simplicity and embrace the ease of a relaxed Sunday morning? Every time I push my grand daughter in her swing, I’m reminded to slow down, stop rushing, worry less, and trust more.
Let’s consider some ways that can help with feeling overwhelmed, stressed, overworked, anxious, and worried.
Simplify and trust:
Life can be overwhelming, and in our desire to control every inch of every day, we end up complicating even the simplest of tasks. By breaking down large or more complex tasks into smaller and more manageable pieces can help with overthinking or excessive worrying. Plus learning to trust in the timing of our own life.
Release perfection:
I can tell you first hand how damaging perfectionism can be. It will stop forward movement in a blink of an eye. It is a burden and hinders our ability to do anything with ease. Mistakes and imperfection are our great teachers. They create opportunities for growth and learning. I need to remember it’s about progress and not perfection, and allowing myself to be human.
Focus on Priorities:
Let go of all the non-essential commitments, and focus on your true priorities. Which includes saying, “No” to things that don’t align with your values and goals. It not only feels empowering but it also frees up some of your precious time.
Mindful Time Management:
Along with focusing on your priorities and releasing what doesn’t serve your highest good, managing your time is key. Organize your day and set realistic expectations for what can be accomplished. Practice tackling single tasks at a time and give it your full attention.
Create a self-care routine:
Commit to taking care of yourself. By making your mind, body, soul, and spirit a priority helps us face challenges with greater ease. Regular exercise, mindfulness meditation, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies can help keep us grounded and connected to our inner selves.
Embrace Flexibility:
Life is unpredictable so be open to change. Cultivate a mindset that welcomes challenges and can easily adapt to new circumstances. By keeping up with your self-care routine it helps manage the highs and lows of unexpected situations.
I want to treat each day like my granddaughter does whenever I lift her in the swing and buckle her in. She immediately smiles, leans back and trusts everything will be okay. She laughs and makes joyful noises as I push her back and forth, sideways to the left, sideways to the right, twisted chain, and in circles. She trusts in the timing of her life and is naturally present every minute of every day. She is my great teacher in the art of simplicity and how life can be easy like Sunday morning. I want some of that. How about you?
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