Birthday Surprise

If you know me well, you might suspect, or even know, that I don’t really like surprises, especially those that put me at the center of attention. Birthdays, in particular, have never been my favorite focus. However, my children recently threw me a surprise birthday party that completely knocked my socks off.

Let's rewind to about four to six weeks before my birthday. My daughter was diligently planning our family birthday celebration dinner. Both my children know I adore outdoor dining and being near the water. They decided on a Sunday, the day before my birthday, and booked a late afternoon lakeside reservation. While the idea sounded lovely, it also meant I would be spending my actual birthday alone.

In my mind, I understood why they chose a weekend for the celebration. Weekdays are hectic with work schedules and managing children. So, I completely understood and decided to embrace the solo birthday by booking a stay at a beautiful boutique hotel, treating myself to a day of pampering and self-celebration. I’ll save that story for another time.

The day of the planned dinner, my daughter mentioned she needed to mow the lawn before we left and asked me not to come early. I was busy and didn’t think much of it. On my way to her house, she called and asked if I was en route. Jokingly, I said, "No, I decided to cancel." Haha! There were two routes to her house, and she advised me to take one due to new road construction. So, I took her advice.

Upon arriving, I noticed my son Andrew’s car wasn't there and wondered if they’d be late because of the new baby’s schedule. We had reservations and I hoped we wouldn’t be late. As I turned the knob on the door, I heard voices... and tentatively walked in. Suddenly, they yelled, "SURPRISE!"

For the love of everything, my children had orchestrated a surprise party! My initial reaction was a mix of shock and amusement. “Does this mean we aren’t going to Lake Geneva?” I jokingly asked. Despite my general aversion to being the center of attention, it was heartwarming to see so many familiar faces, both those I hadn't seen in a while and those I see regularly.

It was a wonderful day filled with laughter, and cherished memories. The love and joy in the room were palpable, and spending quality time with friends and family is one of my love languages. I’m incredibly thankful to my daughter, son, and daughter-in-law for pulling off such an elaborate and thoughtful surprise. Though, part of me considered putting them in a time out for the emotional rollercoaster…LOL.

Reflecting on the birthday surprise, I realize how important it is to be open to the unexpected. Sometimes, the most memorable moments come from plans we didn't anticipate. This experience has reminded me of the joy and warmth that comes from being surrounded by loved ones who go out of their way to make you feel special.


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