Once in a Lullaby

This past May, my son and daughter-in-law welcomed their second child, Autumn Marae, into the world. Just like her two-year-old sister, Emery, she has already captured my heart in ways I could have never imagined. As with Emery, I committed to spending time with Autumn every Tuesday and every other Wednesday, with the goal of creating a lasting, unbreakable bond with my granddaughter.

Watching these two grow is a blessing, and I love discovering their completely unique personalities. Autumn and Emery are imperfectly perfect in their own ways, and it's such a joy to witness how different they are while still sharing that undeniable family connection.

Autumn’s sweet and gentle personality melts my heart every time she smiles at me. She’s such a happy baby; she eats well, sleeps well, and seems to have a laid-back temperament. I suspect she’s going to be the calmer one in the family, content in her quiet world. Emery, on the other hand, is a firecracker. She’s full of energy and spunk, always knows what she wants, and is constantly on the move. She adores the outdoors and loves playing with her two dogs, Barley and Milo, often imitating their playful behavior. Watching her exploring the world is always an adventure.

It’s fascinating to see how two children from the same family can be so different, yet so wonderful in their own ways. Each one is a reflection of their own spirit, their own journey, and their own individual path.

My days with Autumn are a beautiful reminder of how quickly babies grow and change. Each time I see her, she’s doing something new. Lately, she’s been learning to sit up with assistance, her face lighting up with excitement as she discovers the world from a new perspective.

One of our favorite routines is singing together. Just as I did with Emery, I’ve been singing to Autumn regularly. There’s something magical about the way her face lights up when I start to sing. Her eyes lock with mine, and she gazes up at me as I softly sing lullabies. One song in particular, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," has become a favorite.

Though my voice may be a little rusty and sometimes off-key, she doesn’t seem to mind. It’s not about perfection, it’s about connection. The highs and lows of my voice seem to comfort her, and the way she responds to the melody melts my heart every time. She loves the human connection, the closeness, and the gentle touch that comes with singing together.

What I love most about my time with Emery and now Autumn is watching their distinct personalities unfold. Autumn, with her soft sweetness, and Emery, with her fierce spirit, each bring something special to the world. They remind me every day that we are all unique, and we deserve to be loved in ways that celebrate our individuality.

As a grandmother, my greatest desire is to build a bond with both of these girls that will last a lifetime. Whether that’s singing songs about once in a lullaby, reading books, or playing outside, I want them to always feel loved, understood, and celebrated for who they are, unique and special in their own ways. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to love; we all deserve to be loved for the unique souls we are. Being a grand parent is a blessing, wouldn’t you agree?


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