Magic Above and Moments Below

Last weekend, in the stillness of the night, I experienced a moment of pure magic, one that not only illuminated the sky but also reconnected my heart with nature and my family. It all started with a simple text from my son: "Northern Lights are out to the Northwest." Knowing my deep fascination for the Northern Lights, which we had often discussed, his message was a thrilling wake-up call.

The last time I witnessed the Northern Lights was during a memorable trip to Iceland. For seven nights, my friends and I chased the elusive lights, and it wasn’t until the final night that we were rewarded with a breathtaking show. I thought that might be my last dance with the auroras, yet here they were again, unexpectedly gracing my view.

Rushing outside, robe and shoes thrown on in haste, I gazed upwards. The sky above was not merely displaying the lights in the northwestern sky as my son mentioned, but was painted with vibrant streaks of pink, purple, and green stretching from west to east. In contrast, my son, watching from his location while awake with his newborn, captured images of green, blue, and yellows, a beautiful palette of light that connected us across the sky and distance.

Standing alone in the dark, I was mesmerized by the lights dancing across the sky in random patterns and colors. They seemed to be performing a celestial ballet with the stars. This spectacle was more than just a visual delight; it was a poignant reminder of the incredible beauty and power of our planet.

It’s moments like these that highlight the awe-inspiring wonders of the natural world. The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, occur when charged particles from the sun collide with gases in the Earth's atmosphere, a majestic display of nature’s capabilities and mysteries.

As the colors swayed above, I felt an overwhelming sense of connection, not just to the Earth but also to my son, who was sharing this experience with me from afar. Despite the distance, nature's spectacle brought us together in a shared moment of awe and wonder. I tried to extend this magical experience to my daughter as well, though she missed my text. Nevertheless, the photos I captured will serve as lasting reminders of the night when the sky came alive with color in my own backyard.

It’s the magic above and moments below that serve as a powerful reminder of nature’s magic that surrounds us. In our busy lives, it’s easy to overlook these moments of natural beauty and wonder, but when we pause to embrace them, they can offer profound joy and a deepened connection to the world. Are there experiences with nature that took your breath away? Let’s remind each other of the incredible beauty our planet offers us every day.


PS … Although I set my alarm several times during the following two nights, I wasn’t able to see them again in full color.

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