It Takes a Village

“It takes a village”… often have you heard that phrase before? I had the pleasure of being involved in a community project last week that surprised me in the best way possible. Between two and three hundred people volunteered to build a community park. Being an elected official in my city, I was invited to the ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the event.

Months before design decisions were made, community members of all ages were able to cast their vote on different playground options; their voices mattered. Many months of planning went into the process, and the prep work started days before the volunteers arrived. As lumber was cut, and stacked, playground pieces unloaded and organized, and preparing the ground to become a beautiful park for children to be children.

I wasn’t able to arrive until mid-afternoon, but what I witnessed when I drove up filled me with pride and joy. I couldn’t believe how many hands were working together to create such a beautiful space for children and families. People were scurrying everywhere; painting, building, moving, and shoveling. They were busy building relationships just as much as they were building the space. Everyone was cheerful, while the hard work continued on.

The park is situation on several acres of land; room for several play areas. Hand painted games such as hop scotch and four square were brightly painted around the tennis courts, and handmade picnic tables and benches spread across the area. In one location, an existing crack was used as the winding stem for a flower, which made the design imperfectly perfect.

The community and volunteers created something from their heart that gives meaning and purpose. It will directly enrich the lives of many children and their families for years to come. It truly takes a village to raise a community, and I am proud to be part of such a place.



Be Brave


Only Seconds and Feet