Flower Power

Last weekend happened to be the 9th annual “Friendship Flower Pot” celebration for my circle of friends. My high school girls and I gather each year to celebrate the beginning of the summer season, friendship and flowers. Each person brings enough plants or flowers to share with everyone and we leave with a little bit of each other to remind us all summer of the life-long friendships we’ve come to depend on.

The weather was perfect and we were able to spend the entire day outside enjoying the sun, each other and a beautiful lunch together, while doing our best to social distance. With isolation at the beginning stages of reopening, its been a little hard to navigate surroundings; not knowing how people feel being together in small groups. As it turns out we were all prepared to honor each other’s comfort level.

Our day always ends with the flower exchange as we gather to share and receive a beautiful assortment of plants and flowers of all different varieties and colors. We never know what the flower pots will look like which is the best part of all. Even though we all have basically the same assortment, each one takes on their own look, style and design.

Our yearly friendship pot is always my most favorite flowers of the season; representing each one of our unique personalities coming together to create a beautiful masterpiece. Each time I walk out my front door, I’ll be reminded of the life-time of memories, laughs, challenges and wonderful times we’ve shared together as a sisterhood.

I hope you’re able to enjoy some much needed time with friends as we start creating a new normal. My Flower Power bunch of girls is a reminder of how important friendships are in life. Take time to reach out to someone you haven’t connected with in awhile to say, “Hello, I’ve missed you.”


PS….here’s a picture of some of the friendship flower pots

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Another trip around the sun


Drastic Measures