Bursting with Gratitude

As the holiday season begins, it reminds us to stop and give thanks for our blessings. Even though I have a daily gratitude practice, I don’t always take time to let others know how special they are to me.

Thank you Mom, for the wonderful example you have shown in your dedication and persistence in everything you do. I’m especially thankful for your contagious laugh.

Thank you Dad, for your unconditional love, wisdom, firm handshake, and fist pounding laughter. I will forever be your girl.

To my brother Greg, thank you for your calm demeanor, and soft spoken words, yet your fun and joyous spirit after a cocktail or two….HA!

To my sister Cindy, thank you for the years of uncontrolled snorts, laughter, and our wacky adventures. We do manage to find trouble from time to time, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

To my brother Jeff, a.k.a…..my “J to the G”, thank you for your awesome, endless advice, and for the closeness we’ve shared since childhood. You always make me smile.

For my son Andrew, thank you for your soft-hearted soul under your tough guy exterior. You melt my heart.

For my daughter Hannie, thank you for showing me what it means to never give up, no matter what. You make me proud.

To my family and friends, thank you for your love, kindness, friendship, support, and your incredible “only-ness” that makes you, you, and special in every way. You are each a blessing and bright light in my life. I’m bursting with gratitude…..my heart is full.

Happy Thanksgiving!



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